while I was out mowing today...this thread popped into my skull. Did alot of brainstorming.

In all seriousness... you're never going to find a "perfect" location that everybody will like. Even if you go dead-nuts, central U.S.; you'd be lucky to get a sufficient amount of Easterners to attend.

I kind of agree with Little Beast that Texas would probably be the best bet for a centralized meet. Would be good tie-in with Remembering Tone too.

Also thought a meet in Moncha's vicinity (AZ) would be appropriate to honor him for giving us this "friendship mobile" and perhaps after a day of meeting up & checking out our VX's...those that want to hit the trails can follow Triathlete's lead and those that don't can find other stuff to do...kind of like @ Moab when after the VX Run the smaller groups form-up and roll out to their own trails.

Me..personally, I'd vote for a meet up @ Area 51 in Nevada..right up to the fences that say they can shoot you if you go any further...where the Cammo Dudes can watch us checking out each other's rides...hopefully they send out a chopper to try and intimidate us away by "dusting" us...then we break up and head for Rachel, NV to the "Little A'Le'Inn" Lodging & Bar! After a nights stay...some could head to Vegas or Reno or even Moab!

Or...how about Roswell, NM

If you Westerners would be willing to travel to the East side of things...I can't recommend Vermont enough! I think you guys would have a blast all riding together up Mt Equinox. It's only like 3,848 feet high but it's like a spiral staircase in some spots with some scenic straight sections too. Got some pics I can post if anybody cares too see them.

If this was going to be an International Meet...maybe somewhere in Canada would be more condusive to a "global" turnout?

Also thought of: The BadLands...South Dakota; New Orleans...LA; Branson...MO; Sedona....AZ; Fargo....Nort Da-Kota