OK gang,
I've been in contact with Klearz for a few weeks now and have received some promising feedback that leads me to believe that with enough support and patience, we will have our clear side lenses.

Here's the scoop;
They will be unable to begin production for approximately 3-4 months. Production turnout could be another 2 months.
They need a pair of amber lenses for the mold that ARE RETURNABLE. They would like at least 20 confirmed orders, although production can begin with 5-10 down payments. They ESTIMATE from pictures of the lenses that a set should run (again approx.) $50. They can also create smoked or tinted (half-smoked) sets that would count towards the total.

Here are some directly quoted answers of a few questions I asked them:

* We ask for 5 down payments to begin production but id like to see interest of atleast 20. If you have a forum you visit a thread with ppl showing interest would be good.

* Yes we need a set of oem lenses in good shape. They can be returned.

* The materiel we use is uv resistant and shatter proof, we have had no reports of any of them breaking easier then oem lenses, the end result is very similar.

* we have tons of orders to fill since we havent worked since xmas. also there is one other new project ahead of
yours. This week is our first week back at work and only working a few hours a day so its really hard to say when we will be back at full speed, and even then we have alot of catch up work to do. I dont think we could start
working on them for 3-4 months, then delivery would probably be a month or 2 after that. However, these are the kind of projects we like to get involved with, where there is a good amount of demand.

* i estimate 40-50$ per set. Once we see the lenses in person we can give an exact price.

I know it sounds as if it will be Xmas before these could be finished, but I think things could turn out a lot faster. I've only owned my VX a couple of months but I know I've seen at least 20 people on this forum in search of these lenses, if not twice that. I'm thinking of going in on two sets myself.
If this is convincing enough for you, let's hear it. Who's In? And for how many of what?
Is anyone able & willing to lend a pair of the ambers for the mold. I cannot, although I'm looking around for another pair.
Feel free to propose any questions for them that I may not have asked yet.
