View Full Version : quarter inch rubber which goes around headlite

02/17/2005, 03:20 PM
Does anyone know what is supposed to hold that thin piece of rubber that goes around the headlite and the body. Mine is just flapping in breeze.looks like someone tried to glue it and looks bad. What is supposed to hold that rubber in place?

02/17/2005, 03:39 PM
Glue is what holds it down. a lot of pepole have that problem including myself. black silicone or some other flexable glue works just fine.

02/17/2005, 03:40 PM
There is a link on this website that shows in pix on how to fix it. Someone used Gorilla Glue to do the trick. Right after I bought my VX last month I about freaked when I heard a thumping sound on the freeway until I figured it out when I got out. Apparently this ranks up there with the window problem in frequency.

02/17/2005, 05:27 PM
Yeah, I saw one almost just like mine for sale at a Toyota lot a while back and it had one flapping in the breeze too. I bet the dealer heard about that. :-)

02/17/2005, 08:09 PM
i superglued it on about 2 years ago
MEDICAL MARAJUANA DISPENCERIES (http://www.dispensaries.org/)

02/18/2005, 05:10 AM
Superglue can put a permanent white crusty 'fog' on surfaces near the application, especially clear plastic. I'd try something else. Duco cement worked well for me, but you can only get it at neighborhood hardware stores anymore and who gives them any business now that we have a HomeDepot on almost every corner?

02/18/2005, 07:23 AM
I used automotive trim cement (it's like black contact cement) made by 3M - you can find it in automotive stores like Pep Boys (comes in a red tube/box).

It's easier to actually remove the grill so you have access to most of the lights (at least if the trim has pulled away in that area). Some have actually removed the entire light for an extra clean install.

-- John

02/18/2005, 09:44 AM
Both of my headlights did that, and I had both headlights replaced under warranty. But they are starting to do it again, and the warranty is up, so glue it is.