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View Full Version : Driver's door weatherstrip

08/30/2010, 02:06 PM
Has anyone else experienced this?


It's been doing this all summer. I finally got so irritated :_mecker:pushing back down that I finally tacked it down with some weather strip adhesive. I'll let you know if it holds.:smack:

08/30/2010, 02:07 PM
Haven't had this happen on my VX, but all the doors are doing it on our Axiom. Frustrates the crap out of me too, you wash the car and get it looking nice then you look in your side view mirror and see this piece of rubber flapping in the wind. :mad:

08/30/2010, 02:25 PM
It didn't flap in the wind.

It was just an irritant ... like a chronic wedgie.

08/30/2010, 02:41 PM
I have had that exact same thing happen glued it a fwew times that didnt work for long so I cut it off.

08/30/2010, 04:37 PM
So this is just a Proton thang???

08/30/2010, 05:37 PM
It's NOT just a Proton thang! :) My left hand Drip Channel (??? Part #89725-10691 ???) also has issues - it separated at the leading front edge and the first 2" are missing. A previous owner tried to glue back what's left, but I have that leading, loose edge that "sticks it's tongue out at me" whenever the door is closed. At least that looks better than when the door is open - whatever was used to "fix" it looks like that tan, expanding foam insulation.

I also thought about making it "go away" with an Exacto knife, but that would mean removing a few more inches of the rubber. I'll probably verify that it can be replaced (without financial pain) before I cut it off prior to my road trip this weekend. I'll use that trip as a test so I can see if the removed section turns out to be a big deal. If I don't get any extra wind noise or leaks, then I'll consider cutting off the bad part as "issue resolved."

08/31/2010, 05:12 AM
The body shop that did my windshield and roof repair tore my drivers weatherstripping back in late may. They claim it's still unavailable even through Merlin :(

08/31/2010, 07:52 AM
Has anyone else experienced this?

Nope. Never. M'kay? Bye.


Usually that happens from a sagging and/or misaligned door. Even just a couple mm can start causing that. Re-align your door if necessary and use a heat gun on the weatherstrip. Since it's a foam rubber, it won't be perfect, but should mold some.

Avoid taping it.... it will most likely tear the stripping when you remove it.

FWIW, the weather stripping in our VXs is VERY cheap and of poor quality. It gets brittle pretty quick and is malleable in a BAD way.

08/31/2010, 08:31 AM
Usually that happens from a sagging and/or misaligned door. Even just a couple mm can start causing that. Re-align your door if necessary and use a heat gun on the weatherstrip. Since it's a foam rubber, it won't be perfect, but should mold some.

If the adhesive doesn't work, I'll check the alignment. If it's that critical tho, I'll prolly make it worse trying to make it better.

Avoid taping it.... it will most likely tear the stripping when you remove it.

I taped it but I used 'lectrical tape so it came off easy without damage.

FWIW, the weather stripping in our VXs is VERY cheap and of poor quality. It gets brittle pretty quick and is malleable in a BAD way.

It's no worse than what's in other cars I've dealt with.


08/31/2010, 11:38 AM
I got both pieces from Merlin earlier this spring which I have yet to put on, it took quite a while to get them.

08/31/2010, 03:28 PM
My left hand Drip Channel (??? Part #89725-10691 ???) also has issues - it separated at the leading front edge and the first 2" are missing.

I asked Marlin to see if the donor in the boneyard still has it for you. I think he said he was making a trip over there this weekend.

08/31/2010, 06:35 PM
I asked Marlin to see if the donor in the boneyard still has it for you. I think he said he was making a trip over there this weekend.
Wow, thank you! I hope the donor owner doesn't require selling the door with it, too. :o I guess I should go to the official Marlin thread and make a post for it and another piece, too, just in case.

09/01/2010, 11:29 AM
Just put a part order in to Merlin for the driver's DRIP CHANNEL rubber strip. Mine's ripped at the leading edge as well & my gluing attempts just look awful.
$35.82 with discount, 6-8 week back order.
OLD PART #8-97143-079-2
NEW PART #8-9725-1069-1 (The one RickOKC posted)
Merlin can find it by either number.