View Full Version : Front Speaker Question

Joe Isuzu
03/11/2007, 04:55 PM
I noticed recently that I was only getting sound out of the rear speakers, I moved the fader and not much at all was being heard out of the fronts. I realize that just replacing the speakers MAY not be the actual culprit, but I want to do it anyway. :)
Here's the question, never replaced tweeters before, are they basically interchangeable? The stock wiring looks pretty slick and I want to avoid as much wiring as possible.
Also, the rears look pretty standard but the plastic connector on the speaker looks a little more complex than what I'm used to in past cars. When I've replaced them before it was basically attaching the separate female wires to the males and end of story.
Sooo, seeing as how I want to do as little modifying as possible, does anyone know what speakers will hook up to the front stock wiring system with no alterations?

03/11/2007, 06:09 PM
joe, the connectors to the speakers are pretty standard connectors, what i found the male counterparts at an autozone i think and then soldered the leads from the new connectors to my speakers so now my new speakers just plug right in

Joe Isuzu
03/11/2007, 06:56 PM
appreciate the info etlsport, now I need to find a friend who has a soldering kit :(

03/11/2007, 07:12 PM
you can get them crazy cheap.. i bought a nice butane powered one that also works as a torch and hot knife and heat blower from home depot for $35 i think.. radio shack you can probably get an electric one and some solder for under 15 bucks

Joe Isuzu
03/11/2007, 07:17 PM
ok, I'm just thinking for the few times I'll need one I will probably just see if I can get someone to help here, thanks again Etlsport,
now I want to make certain I'm understanding your first response correctly, you're saying soldering the wires from the new speaker to the adaptor I can find at an indy auto supply store, am I right?

03/11/2007, 07:51 PM
yepyep.. this is what i used...
the ones i got didnt have the spade connectors on the other end, but i stripped the wire about 1", fed it through the small hole in the speaker connections, wrapped the wire around it as much as i could, then soldered over all of it

Joe Isuzu
03/11/2007, 08:00 PM
cool! thanks for the help!