Hey all you Brilliant VXers...

Got my CV boot package from mecatech on Friday so, after reading tom4bren's write-up, I decided to tear into the project (pardon the pun) of replacing my ripped front CV boots today.
Trouble is I'm stuck, literally, before I started. I jacked the VX up, got the lugs off with the impact and lo and behold the rims are seized onto the rotors. And I mean seized good. tried a sledge hammer (with a block of wood over the rim to protect that beautiful peeling chrome) and after several whacks, realized they ain't coming off. I soaked the whole joint with deep creep and am currently allowing that to work it's way in (read: drinking beer) but has anyone else had this happen? And, if so, are there any creative solutions out there to get the wheels off without damaging them or the steering components?
I'm guessing a light coating of anti-seize or some type of grease on the hub/wheel joint when I put the wheels back would prevent this from happening again.

Thanks in advance for any help, Ben