Quote Originally Posted by Ldub View Post
Scuse ME, but WTF ever happened to TALKING to one another?
It's hard to talk to you when you don't even have a cell phone... Of course if you did, I'd probably just text you.


I totally agree with the texting thing, but disagree with the talking thing. I don't like either I generally prefer email, cause it's on my terms, you send a message, when I get to it, I respond

If it's an urgent matter, call me, Leave a voicemail, and depending on what is on the message I'll gauge how long I have before I "should" call back. I hate talking on the phone...

I prefer FTF or email.


THE WATCHMEN will be awesome... better be

I haven't seen The Spirit but have heard horrible things, I loved 300, and Sin City is in my top 5. I love Frank Miller. I haven't read the watchmen but it seems more frank miller than typical DC... (I'm not a comic book dude, the only ones I've read are the Sin City set, and 300, and both of those were within the last 3 years )