Okay, short notice I know but...
The last time Victir and I tried this trail we got lost (still had a great time) and spent 12 hours doing a 4 hour trail. That trip became know as the "VX Misadventure"! Bob has a new GPS to prevent us from getting lost again, so we are going to try it again. This time we are going backwards (will make it easier if any Phoenix peeps show which we hope you do. This trail is a 3-3.5 (at least the last time we did it it was...thats my story and I'm sticking to it)...I'm sure Victor will agree. So here is the vital info...

WHEN...Saturday 2-18-06 2:00pm (everyone can sleep in)

MEETING AT...the little store at Helmet Peak and Old Nogales Hwy (take I-10 to I-19...get off on Helmet Peak/Sauharita Rd...go east to light...store is on left) which is about 25 minutes south of Tucson.

Going to do the Gunsight Pass trail. Then it is a straight shot to I-10 back to town. Trail should take about 4 hours.

So who is in?

Bob (VXCaver) and I are both going to be there...
Who else?