Originally posted by VX_PA
Man, it's sad to hear that your 4 WD isn't working, especially in winter and in Alaska. I hope that there aren't any snow storms forcasted until after you have it fixed.
Well sure enough we had a snowstorm yesterday. YOU CURSED ME!!!! J/K
I was trying to get onto the highway and cars were pretty conjested, I was just merging when a truck that was halling *** cut the car in front of me off (really bad) which forced him to slam on his breaks, along with the 3 people behind him while I am trying to merge into the middle of all of it. I was forced to stay on the side of the road, which is where I hit a snowbank doing about 50-55. I climbed the snowbank until I was actually driving on the guardrail. Once I reached the end of the guard rail my tire hit a piece of metal sticking out and spun me in a 180 off to the side of the road. Luckily no damage except a popped front passenger side tire!

So didn't get to checking the fluid again since I had to change my tire and I was too pissed to do anything else with it last night.