This has nothing to do with VXs and disrespectful to post this spam here on the forum, you will not be getting any business from this post.

Quote Originally Posted by xorayik View Post
Due to the hot and cold elements here in Colorado, fences here tend to wear down quicker than they would in other areas of the country. Home owners often make the expensive mistake of replacing a worn down fence as opposed to hiring a professional power washer to come out and restore the fence at a much more affordable price. Another mistake we see homeowners make is they often attempt to power wash their fences on there own. When it's not done properly, using the right tools the right way, you will do irreversible damage to the fence forcing you into the high cost of having to replace the Fence Restoration Colorado Springs all together.

Power washing is a skill in it's own right, but it's not just reserved for decks, concrete and siding. It works really well on vertical applications making the restoration of a fence very achievable. The first thing we do is power wash the fence in a nice even manor, removing dead wood fiber, dirt and grime