On Dec 14th 2014, the ORW officially completed 10 years of
putting up with me!

She had 10k miles on her when I purchased her in Dec 2004...

...and was a PRISTINE stock 1999 Ebony.

She had been a 'company' car for a start up "Dot Com" in San Diego....
...... one of the many "Dot Coms" that failed to establish themselves!

She was stored ( but maintained/run monthly) for 3 years prior to falling
into my hands
I had been looking for about 4 months, after being "reminded" of them after
I encountered a Proton at a traffic light near my house.
It was love AGAIN, at second sight..having loved them when they first came out.
I needed a more sensible vehicle (!!!) as my only transport at the time
was a 1973 Early Bronco Roadster... a great beach city vehicle..but not good
for any distance!

So I started searching, learning..reading HERE!!
I had even put offers on a couple of others as far apart as Texas and Seattle...
....luckily I didnt get those!

The ORW was found in a tiny used car lot about 8 miles from my house

They were asking $16995....

After three visits, two test drives and bombarding the sales guy with all
the "issues" I had gleaned from this great site...
..... I talked them down to $13995 cash, including a years warranty.

Done deal ... I was a VX'er

Poor girl didnt know what was in store for her...but then nor did I!

After reading about Moab, and enjoying getting to know some of the
characters here... I set to work to make her a unique off roader...
...and attend a Moab meet!

In my newbie state, and with little to no off road experience.... I happily
clad her with mall crawler side steps, a brush guard that had issues with
tall weeds...and some 33 inch Nitto Mud Grapplers ( 1 out of three right!)...
.... .. I was ALL SET!

I arrived in Moab...and "Hobby" life as I knew it changed!!!!!
( No more off shore sailing races skippering other peoples yachts that
I couldnt afford... I get to drive my OWN TOY!)

What a GREAT bunch... diverse, odd, eclectic and WELCOMING

I followed "The Adams Family" on that first fateful "All VX" trail...
...and upon crossing a cattle grid, KNEW off roading was for me.
Little did I know!!

Within an hour, all pretence of "nursing" my pristine baby around....
... rather than over obstacles...simply vanished!


As for the ORW... she's undergone some changes

Some planned, like 35's, proper rock rails,upgraded tie rods,drive shafts,
gearing, lockers, rock bumper etc etc etc...
...actual Off Road stuff..not "pretty" crap!

And some not planned...like a full Line-X spray job after laying her on her
side on Hells Gate!
Hey... it was easier to fix, Line -X covers a multitude of amateur body repair sins...
..... ...and it looks COOL!

So, from this:-


To this:-


To this:-


And lots of this....

Its been a blast...and will continue to be so !
Five other VX's have come and gone..the ORW is here FOR EVER!

A HUGE thanks to all here, especially Scott for his stewardship of the AWESOME site

To all the friends I've made, the fun we've had..even the disagreements...


The ORW now has 33K miles, and this thread will be updated in ANOTHER TEN YEARS ....
...... when she'll have an astounding 60k miles or so!!!!

