For those of you that have seen the 151MB shop manual file named US.RV, you know what an indispensable tool it can be. The only problem with it is it's size. It's too big to post or email. We set up a mega upload transfer in the past but it only stays online for a short time.

I was able to convert the file to a more standard pdf format & turn off the security features but it's still 132MB. What this allows me to do however is chunk it up into sections. For instance, I just got through saving the 92 pages of the SRS section to a seperate file that is only 500KB (which can be posted).

If you need specific sections of the manual pulled out for any reason, just lemme know. I'd be happy to post them to the site as needed.

BTW, even zipped, the US.RV file is 126MB.