Quote Originally Posted by LaurieKuzdal View Post
Hello Members: Just inherited a Vcross that hit a telephone pole and has been parked in a back yard for several years. I believe it is a 2000 with 5600 original miles. Any advice on parting it out or selling it outright? I was told by the original owner prior to his passing that it would start with a new battery but that was about four years ago. I know these are rare but I do not have the expertise to pull parts myself. I appreciate any help that anybody can provide to me.

Hey Laurie- I'm just North of you...About 200 miles!

1) It would depend on just how "bad" the crash damage is.
If it has ONLY 5,600 original miles on it, it may be way better to sell it as is, if the damage is somewhat fixable.

There's many on this forum that likely could do the repairs themselves.

2) Parting it out will yield at least $2,000 (an likely more if the engine is salvagable with that mileage), but totally understand your position about not being able to do the part removal aspect.

3) Best bet....take some really decent pics of the entire truck, but especially as much of the damaged front end, engine, engine bay, fenders and front undercarriage as you can.
Give people really good pics of the damage and we can give you some more educated advice.

4) Also, may be best to start a NEW thread under the "misc" category on this forum....because some may skip this thread because they think it's mostly to do with the checklist.

To save you a ton of time....here's how to upload pics, and attach to a post:


  • Click on "Gallery" from the top banner along the top
  • Then click "Gallery Links", also along top banner
  • Find "Upload Photos" from drop down box
  • Next screen will show where you can attach up to 5 pics from your gallery
  • Look for "Choose file", click and then find the pic on your computer
  • After you've selected up to 5, scroll down and click button "Upload/Submit". It may take a minute or so.
  • After it uploads, a screen showing the pics you've just uploaded will appear.
  • Here you can add text or a title to each pic.
  • Click SUBMIT button


  • Start a post
  • On right side you'll see a small gray box titled "My pics"
  • Click "Open"
  • Find the pics in your Gallery and click "Upload"
  • Can add up to 20 pics in a single post
  • Once attached in the body of the post, hit the RETURN/ENTER key after each one so there's a space between each pic.

p.s.....if somebody REALLY wants to see this truck or have things checked a little, maybe they could ask Billy to check it out.

If you have problems uploading the pics, let me know, maybe I can help.