I did something to the tranny. It is Downshifting really hard 3rd to 2nd and then 2nd to 1st.
I know what I did, just don't know what I may have done.
When taking apart the exhaust, the manual said to remove the third crossmember. So I start undoing bolts on the crossmember wondering what will hold the transmission up if I take the off?
Well I had a jack under it, and undid the bolts , then realized the jack wast tight, and it sank a good inch before I was able to tighten it. So I put bolts back in a bit, because I now had some clearance I needed.
So last night raised the tranny back up and bolted everything up tight (I am missing one of the bolts under the skid plate) and I finished the last of the reassembly, hooked up the battery,
And the truck fired right up, (I got video!)
So tonight I took it for a short drive. It is still smoking, and downshifts hard

Anythoghts on what I put in a bind when I jacked the tranny back up, or what I may have broke? It upshifts fine, and wasn't having any abnormal shifting before this project. It has to be IMO from me moving the tranny?