What a long, strange trip it's been.

Our story so far: Rainy day, stop sign, BLAM, rear-ended by a guy who seemed uninsured. Minimal damage (to the VX...my neck was another story), but enough that I wanted it fixed.

UPDATE: My local Isuzu body shop made me baby look like new! I have NO IDEA where they found the lower black cladding piece, but they said it was NEW, and it sure looks new. What made me especially happy was that the new piece still matches the old cladding, which I'd assumed would be faded.

Also, the uninsured driver actually DID have insurance. He told the cop that he was insured through State Farm, but when we contacted them, they'd never heard of the guy. A month later, I got a letter from some no-name insurance company, and they are taking care of everything.

I love a happy "ending". And my VX's rear end is happy.