Well, during the first snow of the year, I hit a curb in my VX. It was a front impact involving the front right wheel going about 30mph. The wheel and tire took most of the damage. After putting the spare on, my VX pulled very hard to the right. So, I submitted an insurance claim and took my VX to get repaired. The garage straightened out the suspension, but told me that they cannot fully diagnose the damage until the wheel/tire is replaced. However, the 16” OEM wheel is on a 2-month backorder. I have been driving the vehicle to-and-from work for the past month with the spare on. Recently, I noticed a pretty severe thumping and a little grinding while exceeding 30mph. I took the VX back to the garage, and they said that the differential and transfer case could possibly be damaged from driving the vehicle with a spare on—and, they want to drain the fluids to check for metal. So, I am asking anyone here if they had a similar experience and whether it’s possible to further damage my VX by driving it with a spare. I would guess that I put about 100 miles on my VX with a spare. I know this was probably stupid, by I need to get to work. You may have seen in another thread that I have another set of wheels/tires on order, but Alan from www.4wheelparts.com informed me that the Interco SSRs are on backorder for another 2-3 weeks….