So as it turns out, breaks are fine actually. I was digging through the repair manual and found a page discussing the issue. So, following the manual, I cleaned the rotor with break fluid, started the engine (no idea why this is impoortant, but the book said so), pumped the break a few times, worked the e-break a few times, then, I was supposed to be on a lift and spin the wheel, but since I was on a small incline I just put it in neutral and let it roll back. It did move at first, then I repeated the process while in neutral. About the second actuation of the e-brake, the caliper popped free and the VX started to roll down hill. I stopped it (with the break), put it back in park and did the entire procress (including more break cleaner) three more times. Breaks are working fine now.

So relieved! That saved me almost $100.

While I did confirm the breaks works normally now, I still have an unidentified groan. I am fairly certain it is the transmission. When I got the VX, it was nearly completely out of fluid. I am thinking that after my little test drive, it pulled more fluid into the internals and i may be low on fluid again.

The groan only happens when applying power to the VX, and while in gear. Groan increases with petal travel, even if I am stopped and holding the break. I think this weekend (it is not yet a daily driver, to many issues still), I will check the fluid again.