Thank You, one & all...

I had a WONDERFUL day...

Started off the day by taking my lovely bride to a scheduled Dr's appointment.
Then we had breakfast at a local eatery...
After we got home, Hunny got ready for work, so she could go "make her big daddy some munny"...

I THEN proceeded to...

After that nappy-nap, I took on some nutrition (nummy home made mock crab salad & some water melon)...

At that point I realized it was my b-d, so naturally I hadda take another nap...

Woke up in time to go over the river & through the woods to my Mothers place, for a tasty evening meal & some laffs with tha Dub clan.........

Came home & relaxed...desperately trying to unwind from such a stressful day...

That activity left me drained, so naturally I went to bed...

PHEW...and THAT is why I only have a B-D once a year.......they're EXHAUSTING...

Sincere Thanks to all Y'all VX Fam, for remembering me on my B-day.....