Some of you may have been following the TOD controller thread from a couple of months ago, here's an update and a poll to get some feedback.

I've designed and built a PWM generator, capable of operating at 50Hz (optimum for the e-clutch), and varying its duty cycle from 5 to 95%. This is enough to control the torque split through the transfer case.

I still need to develop:
-a switch that activates the TOD controller (turns off the AUTO mode, and turns on the controller). I was thinking that a Trooper 4WD switch can do this.

-a method of driver input -hence the poll. We have a few options here; many have mentioned that they want a knob, others have asked for a sliding switch or even buttons. The Rally VX uses a 4 position switch, with discrete torque values assigned to each position. We can also do a potentiometer, with infinite torque values available, however there will only be 4 display options.
I can also do buttons or even a vertical wheel.

I'll build whatever people seem to like the most.

Even if this is not a mod you are considering, I'd still like to see your input. I have to think about ergonomics, etc. and the more ideas, the better.
I have the component count down to a minimum, so the thing can most likely be built for less than $15 (!), will operate with the TOD display, and be hooked up by splicing only 4 wires.