O.K., this is a bit unrehearsed.

This was the cable that I built to interface to the TOD:

This was the cable map, it shows what parameters were monitored:

Here is the TOD connector:

I spliced into this with my cable. Connections were made inside of the plugs (which are impossible to dismantle by the way. If anyone knows how to take these things apart, please let me know. I was forced to solder INSIDE of the holes underneath the white clips.)

TOD interface cable, ready to go.

Here's the road we used for testing. Old Murphy Dome Rd., about 18 miles north of Fairbanks, Alaska. This road starts out as packed gravel, frozen with patches of hard snow and ice. It quickly peters out into a narrow trail, all ruts and deep snow, about 5 feet wide. Yes, I scratched the truck -a lot.

This is my lovely co-driver, whose patience was sorely tested this day. "...I said SPIN the tires woman!"

This is a scope shot taken at idle, in Neutral (transmission). Notice the pulse width.

At 60mph (on ice) in 15% mode:

Random scope shot:

I need to attach an .xls file. how do I do this?