Quote Originally Posted by megadan
I don't want to sound like a downer, but your choice of vehicle for the DGC is largely irrelevant. It's not an off-road vehicle problem - it's a computer vision and mapping problem. I know, I was a software engineer on one of the original teams and spoke AT LENGTH to the DARPA people during the kick-off meeting at the Peterson Museum here in LA. We built a vehicle with dynamics that would pop the front windshield out of a VX at speed, so I am quite familiar with the development tree. And out weak point was software, not the "airframe."

80% of the 2nd gen teams out there thing they can solve this comp with a super off-road machine. What you need is some super software engineers in the areas of digital vision, path planning, fast control systems, etc. As a basic litmus test, if you can pretty much ignore GPS positioning in your Kalman filter, then you have a shot at getting into the course. (If you don't know what a Kalman is, then don't start cutting up your VX!)

Email me if you want, dan.danknick@gmail.com


PS: If you're just doing this for fun and don't have any serious intent of doing well, then ignore all of this and enjoy the ride!
As a programmer for over 25 years, I agree with your assessment. We have other programmers on the team also. We are doing this for fun *and* intend to do well... meet our team here:
