
I am trouble shooting an electrical issue that may be related to when the TOD system is active.

The idea is to disconnect the TOD under the passenger seat. then see if the electrical issue stops occurring.

My #23 fuse in the driver side fuse box... wants to keep blowing out..

My mechanic says he cannot find the cause... and next to look at possibly a short in the components connected to #23...

TOD is not connected to #23... but the fuse failure seems to happen with TOD engaging...

The idea is to take TOD off line as a test... before going back to shop for a deeper dive into the electronics...

So, what happens if TOD is disconnected?

Can driving function without damage to drivetrain?

Which of the two connections on the TOD control unit does one unplug?

One or both?

Any assistance is appreciated.

I have searched through the archives... with hit or miss info found..

