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Thread: Defibrillator [U]STAT[/U]!!!

  1. #16
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    Oh Trekker....

    Scott ( Bartman ) was talking of facebook as whole..not the VX facebook page.
    There is NO politics on the FB VX page.. rarely an argument or bad vibes either.

    But hey..if you had taken a look at it..instead of misconstruing Scotts post to suit your position..'d know that.

    Now have at it... as is your want.

    Thank you for providing yet another example of the condescending attitude of old on this site Jo, based of course on your opinion of comments made intended to suit YOUR position. After all, you used to say that the clique mentality I commented about didn't exist here at THAT time either. (Yes, the irony is still as thick as ever).

    Those in the real know can always count on you in that regard.
    Last edited by Y33TREKker : 10/16/2017 at 12:13 PM

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK View Post
    Oh the exuberance of the youthful and un-informed.
    Go for your life man, but the Trekkie side of the team can be very lonely.

    Speaking of uninformed...

    But hey, go for YOUR life PK (which is apparently partly based on the usage of juvenile nicknames intended to imitate maturity?). Wow, you really got me with that one.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thelgord View Post
    You can take my comments anyway you like, or don’t. You can read as much or as little into them as you desire. However, by saying things like “I really hope Scott ignores your comment” only highlights the fact that the whole “clique” thing that Y33TREKker mentioned is still here. You are attempting to make more out of a comment than there is. If all you have to add to the conversation is personal attacks, and invitations for others to do the same, then please refrain from commenting. The whole “clique” things really has to stop, and you’re not helping.
    Quote Originally Posted by PK View Post
    Oh the exuberance of the youthful and un-informed.
    Go for your life man, but the Trekkie side of the team can be very lonely.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thelgord View Post
    Who says this site isn't informative...
    Last edited by Y33TREKker : 10/16/2017 at 07:57 AM

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 89Vette View Post
    Not trying to be an azz, but this site was restored more quickly than I anticipated...for the health reasons cited. If that level of response is possible, then what prevented better response in the past? Is it a combination of health, depression, and/or the possibility this site can't provide the monetary pay-back necessary? Politics and our currently mentality show people aren't willing to look out for the ailing, slow, or sick. Capitalism is what people seem to want. "Make it" or "break it" has to be applied here. Frank replies are actually more helpful to discovering action/fate than hope. It made be sad, but it's true.
    Unfortunately, you are more on target with these comments than many will ever admit.

    Quote Originally Posted by 89Vette View Post
    I can see where people have an advantage hitting up users of Facebook for fast replies. There is GREAT value in asking "the community" for an answer...and being connected via phonelink to other users. A new TV show "Wisdom of the Crowd" explores this idea. It may actually be a peak into the future. It's hard to say if a tool/messenger could be added to a user forum like this BUT it adds emphasis to what I already emphasized: Information needs to be here and readily available. The only alternative to asking users of a community for a quick answer (Facebook) is having an online encyclopedia where the answer can be readily retrieved without much need for asking other users questions.

    The users LDub and Kat were the librarians who made fast answers possible AND may have done so while more and more information became "archived". Disk space is so cheap these days I question how little is displayed/available here. It's like have a front room to a library while needing a key to the archives or the right "code". Finally, to be honest, there might be something to this "clique" thing. I try to contribute where possible and rarely feel like my posts are read/noticed. Maybe it's just a testament to how few people are here these days?
    While I can't grant that the site admin here has always been as objective as he could have been regarding the clique mentality that's already been displayed in THIS thread again (gotta love when the people who claim it doesn't happen are the ones who themselves provide proof that it does), he deserves a lot of credit for having been able to achieve what this site once was.

    Maybe the "missing" information in question is still archived somewhere and he'll be able to restore it here to some sort of searchable form in the future...and maybe not. Either way, continuing to contribute does not go unnoticed, even though yes, there simply aren't as many members here as there used to be. That could simply be a direct correlation to the number of VX's still on the road these days though, and the small percentage of THOSE owners who are the type to inhabit message boards related to their vehicles. Not every VX owners life revolves around their VX after crazy as that might sound.

  5. #20
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    Thank you for providing yet another example of the condescending attitude of old on this site Jo, based of course on your opinion of comments made intended to suit YOUR position. (Yes, the irony is still as thick as ever).

    Those in the real know can always count on you in that regard.[/QUOTE]

    There it is ... !

    You now claim condescension !!...when it was YOU who initially went on a rant about those who "lived here" etc!!
    ....the very epitome of a condescending tone !

    It wasnt my "opinion" of Scotts ( bartmans) remarks.
    I've talked to him about this very thing ......I KNOW what he meant.

    Twas you that misconstrued his comment ( re: facebook IN GENERAL ) ..
    ...and in your haste to twist his words to suit your STILL lingering angst ...
    ..once again illustrated why you piss so many people off

    But of course... everyone else is at fault..never YOU ... its a 'clique' mentality..never YOU !

    Absolutely the best $20 you'll spend per year on your VX.

    ~ ~ > OFF ROAD WHORE <~ ~

  6. #21
    Member Since
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    Well ... that escalated quickly ...
    VX Status: Running Great! Build is coming along nicely...

  7. #22
    Member Since
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    IT'S WORKING!! Now I'm checking the site every few hours....
    "The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
    -Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

  8. #23
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    This site is much more useful and provides a better avenue for discussion than the linear facebook page. What is missing though are the invaluable "how to's" and the built up knowledge base that used to be available previously. If they can be made available again, and it remains available without issues, this forum will once again attract members. With the return of members, it can again be the place for all things VX.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    There it is ... !

    You now claim condescension !!...when it was YOU who initially went on a rant about those who "lived here" etc!!
    ....the very epitome of a condescending tone !

    It wasnt my "opinion" of Scotts ( bartmans) remarks.
    I've talked to him about this very thing ......I KNOW what he meant.

    Twas you that misconstrued his comment ( re: facebook IN GENERAL ) ..
    ...and in your haste to twist his words to suit your STILL lingering angst ...
    ..once again illustrated why you piss so many people off

    But of course... everyone else is at fault..never YOU ... its a 'clique' mentality..never YOU !

    Have at it... I'm out.
    Speaking of angst...

    As convenient as ever that you always base your comments on conversations that went on behind closed doors, and, with people who were usually seen to be in the same cliques being discussed.

    As a result, you'll have to forgive me if I still don't grant you the publc illusion of objectivity you've always tried to claim for yourself, where it's never YOU either,
    Last edited by Y33TREKker : 10/17/2017 at 09:15 AM

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by bartmanS4 View Post
    Agreed. I'm not sure it can recover here either. The old site had that je ne sais quoi that drew me in and I would check it all the time. I really have mostly abandoned FB because it became a political soapbox (maybe it always was) where everyone has taken and is entrenched in their side. I just don't give a crap about arguing if there is no point besides yelling your statements with closed ears.
    If we're all being honest, the same thing happened here. If you didn't "side" with some of the usual (those who practically lived on the site EVERY day) posters regarding some of their insider BS designed to reinforce their cliques, you were ganged up on and tried to run off...even though in the next post they would claim they were "all about the VX community".

    Then, heaven forbid a person point out THAT hypocrisy lest the snowball effect just escalate even more.

    Not surprised to hear that old attitude from this site was carried over to the FB page though since that kind of entrenched mentality doesn't just go away on it's own. I have to admit it's funny to me personally to hear that kind of attitude is still present now on the FB page, because to hear how any of those aforementioned usual posters used to tell it, the cause of the attitude that used to be present here was posters like me....and I don't and never have posted to the FB page where all those members went.

    As they say though, the truth usually has a way of outing itself.
    I gotta say forums are about finding/getting information. HOW MUCH you engage/combat with someone you clash with is as much your fault as any. From this thread, it would appear you are a bit too sensitive. BTW...This is NOT an invitation to debate the subject BECAUSE I WON'T. You can take it or leave it.

    Though I suggested there were people/tools/faqs that could simplify searches, NOT having them doesn't mean information can't be found. We don't NEED a kindly greeter constantly monitoring and helping. Just make sure everything (especially DIY/Knowledgebase) information is readily available and I think you'd see hits go back up. Even people who rant/complain are hits.

    There was a member that rubbed me the wrong way and required the intervention of Moncha once/twice. That didn't prevent me from using the site or gleaning information. The ONLY reason I bring it up again is to say I DON'T consider this thread an invitation to complain about something in the past. Regarding conflicts present or past, I would suggest letting it lie. I looked at prior conflict like fighting with a brother. I get over it. Geez.
    2001 Ebony VX and 1989 Custom 383 Corvette

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by 89Vette View Post
    I gotta say forums are about finding/getting information. HOW MUCH you engage/combat with someone you clash with is as much your fault as any. From this thread, it would appear you are a bit too sensitive. BTW...This is NOT an invitation to debate the subject BECAUSE I WON'T. You can take it or leave it.
    As you apparently don't recall from the past discussions that prompted my comments in the first place, finding, getting, and I would say most importantly PROVIDING information on this site was what never seemed to be enough for the cliques I've been referring to. Even though providing information comprises the bulk of the comments I've ever made here.

    And you seem to be assuming that combating forum clique BS is something I enjoy. (I notice that you directed your comments at only me anyway while seemingly giving the other combatant a free pass as HIM not being too sensitive. (He didn't HAVE to comment AT ALL after all).

    That said, I'd be curious to see how "sensitive" YOU turned out to be if someone was suggesting/implying some of the things that were being suggested/implied about people who weren't simply going along with the clique BS that got this all started way back when.

    But, since you've displayed your own bias by wanting to put in your 2-cents regarding a person dealing with this kind of BS...but not wanting to allow for any feedback on your point of view.....I'll simply leave your opinion.

    Don't take it personally though...

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    But, since you've displayed your own bias by wanting to put in your 2-cents regarding a person dealing with this kind of BS...but not wanting to allow for any feedback on your point of view.....I'll simply leave your opinion.

    Don't take it personally though...
    I won't. And...I only responded to the first person who seemed to broach this topic in THIS thread. I "gloss over" and avoid reading posts that turn "personal". I do not keep track of quibbles, attacks, or whatever....especially if they've (apparently) had some history? Without knowing why YOU brought an "old grudge" into a new seemed logical to comment on the combativeness issue using your post AS AN EXAMPLE. Don't take it personally....

    My suggestion is to ignore people/posters uninterested in helping your search/quest. If they are not helping, why engage them? And why perpetuate it?

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by 89Vette View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    But, since you've displayed your own bias by wanting to put in your 2-cents regarding a person dealing with this kind of BS...but not wanting to allow for any feedback on your point of view.....I'll simply leave your opinion.

    Don't take it personally though...
    I won't. And...I only responded to the first person who seemed to broach this topic in THIS thread. I "gloss over" and avoid reading posts that turn "personal". I do not keep track of quibbles, attacks, or whatever....especially if they've (apparently) had some history? Without knowing why YOU brought an "old grudge" into a new seemed logical to comment on the combativeness issue using your post AS AN EXAMPLE. Don't take it personally....

    My suggestion is to ignore people/posters uninterested in helping your search/quest. If they are not helping, why engage them? And why perpetuate it?
    So much for not debating the subject.

    As for claiming to not know why I brought an "old grudge" (your words, not mine) into this thread, that simply comes across as a dodge and gross mischaracterization because the context of the thread and it's previous comments made it pretty self-explanatory regarding what I was commenting about. That you further tried to characterize my comment ALONE as "combative" simply speaks for itself...again.

    But this is all academic as you should know and acknowledge because you also participated in the past "discussions" I've been referring to, adding your 2-cents at those times too, so it seems convenient at best that you'd be making suggestions to me about not engaging/perpetuating such things.

  14. #29
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    Seriously, I don't remember any arguments (with you recently) or participating in any OTHER "debates non-related to VX ownership" FOR YEARS. Between others, arguments cause me to "gloss over reading entire posts". I agree with your plea for civility/decorum and avoid confrontation. (I just disagreed with WHERE to post the suggestion). Furthermore, I agree needless confrontation is unproductive, lacks value, and tends to drive readers away. That said, especially in car forums, "opinions" are normal. How well things are organized and accessible makes the bigger difference. This forum is unique in the fewer number of owners due to the limited production. Besides information, the size of the user community obviously plays the biggest role...which is the point of this thread.

    FWIW, I also remember posting something in the "Site Questions & Problems" forum over a year ago. It NEVER received a reply. I notice the question is gone (archive rules)? The perception is a lack of transparency and/or help to the user community. Like other topics, problems/questions don't seem helpful to archive. People can easily find an answer to a problem in a forum specifically designed for that purpose.

    When you combined 1yr archival with the low number of posts per year, you maximize the "skeletal" perception of the forum.
    Last edited by 89Vette : 10/18/2017 at 06:43 PM

  15. #30
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    auto-subscriptions to threads probably couldn't hurt. Getting rid of the "myfilestore" glitch/spam/hack would be great.

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