While working on the rear brakes I discovered a bad lug stud. After breaking 2 replacements, I finally got a new one to seat correctly. PRO TIP: Grease your spacer washers LOL!

Also completed the rear brake work today! Yay! The VX stops MUCH better now. Whew ... that was WAY more work than it needed to be.

As it turns out, there is a wear bar that scratches the rotor when the pads become too thin. The last person to work on the brakes used these as clips to hold the pad to the mounting clips. It was keeping the pads from moving. I put on the new pads anyway, and properly this time.

Seriously, 99% of the problems with my VX are a lack of doing things right the first time. I am fixing so many things that shouldn't even be an issue! Arrrrrgggg! It is ... frustrating to say the least.