Rick - make sure that the rubber is completely seated in the front track. It's actually very easy for it to not sit in there correctly. There's a square base that sits in the track and then each side of the seal has a very small "J" lip that sits over the metal edge of the track. If both of those "J" lips are not properly seated then the gap in the track becomes to narrow and it will pinch the window as you raise it. That piece of rubber also has a pinch seal as well as a flap. I trimmed down the flap just a bit and it helped greatly.

Also make sure that where the forward rubber piece comes out of the door and meets the widow rubber is correct. That's another place where if it's not lined up correctly it will pinch the glass and bind.

It took me a good hour of deciphering these things. Once I found what was up and I corrected the problem my windows go up and down great without and problems.

BTW - can you please send some of your extra cold to Cali? It's 104 here today!