It slumbers...

I installed the SFIFS kit on Sunday and did a quick test last night for suspension flex. I lifted the front passenger side tire until the rear passenger tire started lifting from the ground. I also did the same test on the rear tire and measured height in each scenario.

Front tire lift with SFIFS off: 24.2"
Front tire lift with SFIFS on: 26.5"

Rear tire with SFIFS off: 27.2"
Rear tire with SFIFS on: 28.8"

I'm happy with the results. I have 2.5" of down travel left in the IFS and the SFIFS used all of it to level out the VX when I lifted the front tire. Less lift or spacers on the upper control arm would add to the articulation. I bet a stock height VX/Trooper would get 5-6" in the same test because of the increased down travel.

Here are a few pics of the suspension in action.


Crosslink off center with lifted tire

I now know first hand how much of a pain the pin is to deal with. I have plans for a new pin design that i'll be testing soon. After that, I'll be making one production run for the new kits. There will be a thread before production to take orders.