hi All -

i am in need of advice. ive had my VX for a little over a year now (currently 90k; 2001). i put some new shocks (KYB Gas-A-Just) on it about one year ago because of the bounciness. it has been about 12000 miles since then. there was a definite improvement, but i feel like i should replace these again with something better. ok..the problem.

problem: the ride is still a little bouncy. and there is very little comfort as every little bump in the road is felt. if i hit a pothole, it sounds as if i'm going to break something. most importantly, i am afraid to turn at high speeds (60mph or so). when turning AND there is a bump in the road, it feels as if im temporarily up in the air and when the tires land spinning it take a second to reconnect with the road. im not certain if this is exactly what is happening but clearly i lose traction.

question: do i need better shocks? is this a sway bar problem? do i need a bigger gf on the passenger side?

by no means am i a mechanic but i definitely would like to make improvements to get that safer feeling. ideally, id like absolutely no bounce and a VX that can take a corner like a lower small sports compact without buying wider tires and/or lowering. BTW, i have all stock parts.

thanks for any help!