Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS View Post
Can we charge Trek in a pro-rated fashion for having the most posts in threads pertaining to site support? He obviously somehow considers what he says in these threads "a contribution to the site", just as he does in attempts to help someone troubleshoot problems. So help him contribute here where it is really needed - funding. However, he tries to say those who are the most pro-active in reminding folks of the need to donate to the site are also those who first threw stones. "He started it, Mom!" Folks, we are talking 5 years ago!!!!!!! Who gives a shoe?! What Trek fails to acknowledge (hopefully) is his constant "do-gooder deeds" in these threads only go toward disuading non-donating members from donating! And what gets my goat is he finds pride in doing so while placing himself atop a pedestal for it!! These threads only go this direction because of YOU, Trek. You need to realize that you have been talking to TWO people in this thread - Jo and Dub - and yet you are recklessly lumping together a group of phantom VXers who have said nothing here.

To that end, you are also helping no-one by religiously calling the kettle black! Just in this thread:

"It's obvious that, even after so many similar discussions on the subject, some of you still aren't self-aware enough to even realize when you're doing what you say you're not doing." BLACK POT!

"It's no wonder human progress occurs so slowly." BLACK POT!

"Something else you all might want to look up is "self-fulfilling prophecy". Some of you know full well what posting the same old types of comments in these threads will result in, yet you do it anyway and then feign ignorance." BLACK POT!

"An apparent need for drama is an all-to-common affliction these days." BLACK POT!

"I think I will decline this one as all you seem interested in doing is going out of your way to deliberately step on my toes...as usual." BLACK POT!

"The act or practice of enhancing or exaggerating one's own importance, power, or reputation. (But again...it's not like anyone has ever actually been counting...right? )" BLACK POT!

Jack said it perfectly, without bias nor ego. Yet, realize this; Jo and Dub are good friends and they typically talk amongst themselves here in an open forum while consuming fun beverages. They both have HUGE personalities that come across in their posts. Guys, you know I love you both. If reminders are going to be given do what you need to do to support that cause at it's fullest. The fun banter amongst friends gets lost on those hell-bent on announcing their spiteful resentments toward what you just said or have said 5 YEARS AGO!! This goes against the overal goal of the original post.