Don't feel bad Mike, honest debate is what makes this forum so useful, you can read tons of threads that show different opinions based on multiple perspectives, which I think ultimately makes it easier to choose.

I know for me (and likely others) we're not in either camp; we're waiting to see what happens with both options. You may be too new to remember, but we had a ton of folks that used the Refinish Restorer stuff a year or two ago and were just as enthusiastic as you. Although many have had sustained success, others like Sue discovered disadvantages within six months to a year.

Also keep in mind that about 90% of people who post things like "That's awesome Sue, can't wait to try it out" probably won't actually try it out for months, years, or even at all. Likewise we have tons of "lurkers" who simply read our posts and never comment, so it's difficult to know how many GB converts you've actually generated.

No matter what I know the community appreciates you diving in first to add more useful info to the site.