Hi All, it has been a while since I have been back to the site.

My VX turned 10 this last November. She was the first car I purchased new. With 97k miles now all is well except for the driver side door 'outside opener' I have the part and am fixing this weekend.

When I first bought the car I had not met my wife and lived in the Grand Canyon. Which was the best possible place to own a VX due to all of the park service fire roads for exploring. Literally 1,000s of miles, many a lost afternoon.

After quickly removing the back seat, not many mods were done. Since then the biggest mod would be heavy springs and large tires. That's really about it other than a bike rack, trailer hitch and a recent new stereo.

Thanks for all the great info and people who have made the VX fun and easier to own. What a wealth of information.

Have a safe and happy New Year & I'll see you out there.