Quote Originally Posted by Ldub View Post
We can't get too organized due to the fact that the state wants all sanctioned "organized" trail rides/events to be insured.
Yes, that's the primary reason that Todd kept the destination of the VX run off the 'net, so The Man wouldn't show up and harsh our mellow.

The rest of the week, runs are smaller and are informally organized around the campfire/on the stoop the evening before, which seemed to work fairly well last year, better than 2 years ago IMO. Just remember to network with all the Zus you see around town as to plans for the next day, and also stop by the stoop at Red Rock Lodge and/or Portal campground for the latest info.

Speaking for myself, I am thinking about doing Elephant Hill again, it's been a coupla years and that trail is so unbelievably scenic I like to do it periodically. Also, had a blast on Kane Creek last year and probably will do it again.