Quote Originally Posted by SomeBeach View Post
I remember when seatbelts were for looks. We would all cram in the front seat while a parent drove. The dash boards were heavy steel...no padding. Parents would go into a store and leave us in the car with the cigarette lighter. It would be 95 degrees and we stayed in the car in the hot parking lot. We didn't have AC in car or at home. Only 3 channels on the TV and no remote. And forget about sunblock. We knew when we went to the beach we were going to be burnt up. And we were given jawbreakers and hard candy but never choked. And best of all the pet stores sold baby alligators. And the music, you could understand the words and the tunes are still around today. And to see a man accidently use profanity in front of a woman, he would turn red nd apologize like crazy. Where have all the good times gone???
And have you ever noticed?...not ONE of the kids you grew up with had allergies! We got to play in real dirt, & eat crickets & chicken poop.
The whole freakin' world wasn't "sanitized for your protection" before we could get our grubby little paws around it.
And school was a six mile walk, up hill, both ways, in a blizzard if it was after Oct 28...

Damn straight I miss the good ol' days, but I wouldn't go back if I could, I'm having too much fun NOW!

And I still apologize to a lady for profanity, if the situation warrants...that's just good manners...