I remember picking up Coke and Pepsi bottles along the road for the 2¢ deposit (the big bottles were 5¢), then walking into the local 7/11 (they were actually only open from 7 to 11) through the fully open front end, and trading those empties for a nice cold bottle (real glass) of Coke (before Classic) out of the cooler by the curb (next to the vacuum tube tester). On a really good day, I had enough to buy a banana split at the soda fountain in the drug store. On my way home I’d walk through the woods to see if I could catch an Indigo snake to take home for a pet. If I was hungry I had my choice of mangos, oranges, avocado, guavas, and some fruit that had no names, all growing wild in the woods around my house.

I actually DO remember the sixties, although there were a few nights in the early 70’s that are kinda hazy. Wonder what happened to my paisley bell bottoms and Neru jacket?