Wow, It doesn't seem like it, but ten years ago today I got the keys to my VX. As I remember back...

The first week was great except for backing out of the gas station area and nailing some old beater that was in my blindspot (Thats when I really started using those side mirrors)

The next few years I enjoyed the early morning commute with no traffic, no on or off ramps and a cement divide between the east and west lanes (read high speed driving) and playing with my first ever 4x4 in the parking lot snowbanks watching the snow fly over the hood as I returned from the yard area into the lot (only to find out that the snow freezes inside the wheel and scares the crap out of you the next time you go for a drive).

Then heartbreak as the engine blows up at 36,005 miles and the dealer blames me for not having any oil in it (Oh to have the 100,000 warranty of the 00's and 01's). When I explain that they are the ones who have done the oil changes and all he needs to do is open the glovebox for the receipts they suddenly decide to cover the $7,000 tab. Two days after getting it back the flywheel snaps (The dealer apologizes as they put a rush on fixing it)

Other than the common issues many of us have (sagging windows, blower motor, hood latch, and abs sensor) I am amazed at the longevity of some of the other parts of this vehicle.

I have yet to have to replace a single bulb, headlight,interior, brakelight, nothing. I keep thinking I should replace the original battery but every freaking sub-zero morning here in Michigan the dang thing has started without a single hesitation.

So I had a few issues but overall I have loved the last ten years of VX ownership and can only hope for another ten with the VX and this website. Thanks to all of you for helping to keep the fire lit. Mike