Another thing... CNBC just aired an interview with an FCC exec that stated that the FCC just finshed auctioning off rights to a new signal range but the biggest requirement is thae winner HAS to take, I think, 25% of the range and make it FREE internet... available NATIONWIDE... so all you'd need to do is buy an aircard outright and you would be able to get on the internet frrom all four corners of the USA... the requirement says it has to be one-step-back tech... so in other words... it won't be 3G connect but instead 2G connect... that would allow charging a premium for the most current or cutting edge tech... AT&T is screaming HOLY murder about this... (wonder why?). The auction was just finished on Dec. 7th I think... secret, I think as to who won it... and granted this network won't be up and functional for about 5 years and not even fully operational for about 10 years.... but just think... driving down the road to Moab, for ZUZU.... and your navigator on the internet anywhere in the country looking for a great place to eat!!! lqtm!!!

BTW... I can do this now with my nationwide aircard plan,(except in the most remotest of remote areas...