Between the price of premium, my VX's 100k birthday, and Isuzu's American-marketus interruptus (and the associated parts supply situation), I decided that I needed a newer daily driver that would be fun to drive and a lot more painless at the pump. THIS is what I came up with:

(yeah, I know - crappy cell phone pic!)

It's a 2006 Mini Cooper S with sport & cold weather packages, plus the rare limited-slip differential. We had the dealer add the checkered-flag decal at my wife's insistence. I think it gives the car a bit of a toy-like appearance, but some people really seem to dig it. I will give it a chance for now, knowing that I can always remove the decal.

The VX is not going anywhere - we still have plenty of uses for it!

So when did I become such an "automotive extrovert"?!?!