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Thread: How come Republicans hide being gay?

  1. #1
    Member Since
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    How come Republicans hide being gay?

    I always trip on how the most anti-gay marriage republican leaders are actually homos.
    This Senator Craig from Idaho trying to get busy in a bathroom stall is just the tip of the iceberg.
    Before that was congressman Mark Foley, who was sending sexy text messages to teenage male pages over the internet, not only gay but kinda dumb too.
    Before that was Rev. Ted Haggard, leader of The National Association of Evangelicals, a right wing collection of conservative Bush supporting Jesus freaks.He was "outed" by a gay male prostitute who had a 3 year affair of gay sex and crank use.
    Foley, Haggard and Craig are only the most famous. There's Florida Rep. Bob Allen, also caught lurking for sex in a public bathroom, Corporal Matt Sanchez, gay porn star and -- for a shining moment -- Fox News channel's right wing Marine of the moment. And who can forget Jeff Gannon, the right-wing faux journalist with a secret life as a gay escort favored with a White House press pass by the Bush administration communications department.He was hired to throw softball questions that favored president Bush.
    My point, be who you are! If your gay and republican, than stand up and be counted. Don't play up family values issues and anti gay issues one minute and be smoking the sausage in an airport bathroom the next. I think if your gay, thats great, but don't become a republican and spout conservative rhetoric, because your really just a hypocrite.It's like an African American wanting to become a clan member.
    I know this is gonna rub some people the wrong way,but it's the truth.
    Last edited by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE : 09/02/2007 at 11:17 PM

  2. #2
    Member Since
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    It trips me out that people get tripped out about gays, but never about all the weird crap that heteros do!!
    Sold the VX 11-21-07. It was fun while I had it!
    Thanks for all the help.

  3. #3
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    If you found out, what was goin' on in some of your neighbors'd pass out. Chicken suits and dildo hats...40 year olds in rubber diapers. Everyone's got a little freak-freak in 'em. Most don't tap dance in public restroom stalls, then go to work and wave a big christian banner...If it's true that the ones most troubled by a particular form of human activity, are in fact, troubled because they recognize its presence in would explain why so many christian religious leaders, and big time family values types, turn out to be precisely the thing they fight so hard against. Most well adjusted people, simply don't care where you put that thing. (as long as everyone agrees, no one gets hurt, and you stay the hell away from kids and my dogs) Wayne

  4. #4
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    Thumbs up

    well said Chopper!
    Chi Dog...Dog is my Co-pilot
    Onward thru the fog
    Leave it BETTER than you found it!

  5. #5
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    When leaving the Orlando Cirque de Soleil, I distinctly remember thinking aloud..."You gotta thank the Gods for gay males" :laughp:

  6. #6
    Member Since
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    well, i gotta defend the
    first off, James McGreevey is a gay democrat, so now are all dems gay?? i dont like any of this mess either, but i still stand as a republican, i am a Christian,and i am NOT gay.
    but its a shame how the drive by media glorifies mcGreevey, darn near made him a hero, and will try to destroy craig. we will see if Craig writes a book about all of his toilet affairs, see if Oprah will invite craig to her show.
    im not the least bit interested in looking up the names, but there are pleanty of gay leaders on the dem's side too.
    Gay politions have, and cause their own problems, just like everybody else.
    in my opinion, talkin party tolerances, the dems tolerate homos, murderers, and theives more than the republican party. which is why its such a big story when one falls, such as craig. teddy k runs off a bridge and kills a young woman, uh, how much time was served in jail compaired to how much time was served in office now?? but i dont think all dems are murderers. Unless we cut and run now,.....or sandy burgular stealing from the national archives, not all dems are thieves.
    dem, repub. gay, or not, i wish they would just take care of the things that need to be taken care of, and quite going on witch hunts, and spending OUR money.
    ill quit, sorry to get off topic a bit, but it all goes together..

  7. #7
    Member Since
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    I think the difference between the gay republican's and the gay democrats are the gay democrats don't tend to hide it so much(i.e Barney Frank). I have more respect for a politician who says" I am gay, deal with it" than for a politician who gets married to a woman, has kids, just to look straight, when he is really lusting after some teenage boy's ***. I guess my bias is showing through, I think the Republican party and christians have sunk this country to a new low.Let us not forget that during the whole Monica Lewinski thing,Senator Craig was one of the politicians who wanted Clinton's head on a stick for his affair. Not to mention, Newt Gingrich,who was having an affair as he was impeaching Clinton for damn near the same thing.
    Last edited by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE : 09/02/2007 at 02:30 PM

  8. #8
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    So what is the best time to change the timing belt on a VX and what do you use on your cladding??

    (Just checkin to make sure I'm at the right place)

    George, Cary, & Roxie the English Bulldog..''99 silver #1897

  9. #9
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    How many of you have jobs where you occasionally just have to suck it up and do something you dislike? I think all the closet gays in the republican party are doing the same thing. Being gay doesn't define your entire life nor do gay-issues define a politician's entire job.

    When we are stuck with a two party system, unless you are a brainwashed "my party, right or wrong" type, nobody will be in complete agreement with either party platform. So these guys end up having to toe the party line on all the gay politics but probably actually believe in a lot of the rest of the party platform.

    Unlike most of our jobs, a politician's job is 24x7. So they can either stay in the closet and keep their job, or come out and lose it and lose the chance they have to make a difference with respect to all of the other issues that they do believe in.

  10. #10
    Member Since
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    Polititians lie...cut and dry! Oh my!
    Get on with your life!
    Billy Oliver
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    Accelerate3Coaching (PM me for 1 time use 20% off code)

  11. #11
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triathlete
    Polititians lie...cut and dry! Oh my!
    Get on with your life!
    everyone lies...some where,some way, some how,some time,for some reason

  12. #12
    Member Since
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    I never lie!

  13. #13
    Member Since
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    you just did

  14. #14
    Member Since
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  15. #15
    Member Since
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    if you havent replaced it yet, then you should, and i only use meguires on the cladding

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