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Thread: Boredom

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Aug 2006
    1999, Astral, Vehicross, 1619
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    For the past few months I have been back at a crapy, yet slightly cool schedule. 12 hour days, four on three off then three on four off. Now its nice to have the days off when OT is not mandatory but it is really bad for me at the same time.

    Boredom + Mild depression + lack of motivation and funds = Gluttony and heavier depression.

    I sit around bored out of my mind but too lazy to do anything but snack all day. I have basically wasted 1g paying for a gym that I have gone to maybe 30 times in the last year. I have wanted to start in a martial art or two and gain some confidence and get healthy but now that I am on a 12 hour schedule and broke, that wont happen. When I get home from my day I just want to eat dinner and go to sleep.

    There are many things that are not healthy in my life. The way I eat, my mental status, the lack of ability to talk with my wife about things that really bother me.

    I feel like I should have done things different and regret not taking opportunities when they came along. I tend to dwell on these things when I am bored and feel really horrible, I could go to work and keep my mind busy but someone can sit only so long troubleshooting electronics before they go nuts(like this isn’t nuts).

    I know that I don’t know any of you truly as individuals but I spend more time here than any where else.

    I am not looking for pity or chin up speeches. Sometimes you just need to vent and where better than a place that no one really knows you.
    Last edited by CrnCnn : 08/02/2007 at 05:54 PM

  2. #2
    Member Since
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    I feel ya Bro...been havin' the same ups & downs this summer...not motivated to do $pit, in a job I love, but no bennies, been doing some truck mods etc. but can't even get my lazy azz to clean up the tools & put them away when I'm done. (you should see the passenger side foot well of my VX ...Oferchristsakes, how can I be this much of a slug ???)

    Meh, there's always tomorrow ...I dunno what to tell ya, I'm a LOT short on motivational BS & I know it wouldn't help anyway.

    Ummmm, misery loves company ?

    Oh, here's something that might perk ya up a bit...

    I was driving home from the GF's this evening, trying to get to the bank before they closed, decided to go down Broadway downtown Fargo.

    As it happens, there was a car show lining both sides of the street.

    Oh I can't park anywhere near the bank, stupid car geeks... (hey, I was just in a mood...OK ?)

    The funny part was, people were turning their attention from the various iron on display & pointing at / taking pictures of the VX as I drove by...

    Every once in a while the big guy tosses ya a bone...

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Jul 2007
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    good for yourself and your VX

    It’s been 1 year now of no work and getting fat surfing the web for the usual stuff....
    My wife has small business and it provides for us.

    Ok to make it short: LOL
    I can’t work till I’m better and fixed... (Car wreck last year ...some guy in a truck T-boned me in my car ...broke my neck) had surgery in June and with Gods help and allot of rest and time I’m now heeling .doing well so far.

    My lawyer said things look good. $$

    So Ill be looking for a VX to fix up and drive...

    And since I found this site...My interests and excitement has perked up...
    The wife is happy to se me interested in something...And she can see I’m motivated for it.
    I'm glad I ran into this great group of people with a passion for sharing the pain and fun and interest in a kool looking PUV....

    Now all I need is the $$$ to get here.

    Until I get my VX this site will have to be the closest thing to having one.

    Chin up

  4. #4
    Member Since
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    2001 FOXFIRE 0579
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrnCnn
    Boredom + Mild depression + lack of motivation and funds = Gluttony and heavier depression.
    my friend,
    try not to think about this too much. i get in those ruts too. im self employed, and when i dont have work, i dont have money, or tryin to keep what i got, get bored, so many things to do, dont feel like doing any of em, and it takes money, which im not makin cause im not working, or whatever, blah blah, etc etc.

    what i have found is that all the things you mentioned, and that i deal with too, all feed off of each other, which in turn, feeds off of you, your mood, relationships etc....which then feeds the depression, etc...the vicious circle....

    so, in your case, or what i end up doing, i would try to eliminate one of em, in your, and my case, the motivation. there are times when the nike slogan just makes sense.....JUST DO IT....ANYTHING. heck, ive been so bored that i finally have to get up, i go outside and flip some rocks or logs over just to look at some ants, or see if i dont rustle up a snake or something, before long, i meander into doing something else, and by then, i got some endorphins kickin in and im off. then when i come back in, i got something to talk to the wife about, or i drag HER out to look at the snake, or ants or whatever. i know too, that working out gets the endorphins kickin too, gives me better sleep, and just makes me feel better.

    it doesnt take money to chat with the wife, or look at ants, etc, so in doing that, im not bored anymore for the moment, (eliminated two of em) feel good about getting off my arse and doing SOMETHING......(little victory, depression doent have as much to feed on after activity) am i makin sense? i dont know, its just what i do. things will get better.

    dont beat yourself up, just take things one at a tme, one foot infront of the other, youll get somewhere or something done when you do!!
    and as usual, ill be prayin for ya!

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Dec 2005
    Former Owner of 'ZEUS' aka 1031
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    I went through all that unmotivated depression crap for several years before I finally snapped out of it. It is a really strange feeling - it's like you are more motivated to dig yourself deeper into a pit of unworthiness rather than to climb out of it. The deeper you go, the longer the climb to get out... then you justify the power it has over you and you say you will be that much stronger when you finally climb out because of how much more effort it required to go that much further. You test yourself and force yourself to believe it is for the best. You keep pushing lower and lower until you finally can't see the light at the top of the pit... You won't scream for help to the ones you love most because you feel like you would be a burden in their lives... you instinctively feel the need to protect them and you ultimately feel trapped and alone.

    That is how it went for me anyway. I went a LONG way before hitting bottom! The scary thing is... I think I was right; the further down I went, the stronger it made me in the long run. That, or I was overcome by a creature of the dark that will never leave me... BUHAHAHAHAHA... shrug.

    Not that you want advice, but the best advice I could give is to lean on your wife when you need her the most. The difficult times are actually less of a burden on her AND you when you face them together openly. Of course, I have been single my whole life sooo...
    Sent from my "two hands on a keyboard"

  6. #6
    Member Since
    May 2006
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    Clint. I am 100% with you brother. Lets get together AND DO SOME STUFF. This weekend my mother-in-law is in town, but sometime soon I really want to get down to the Yosemite area and do some camping and snake/salamander hunting. I just gotta find a rubber boa and some salamanders (but not to eat, Ldub ). I also want to canoe some more. So lets make some plans!

    Another thing that I want to seriously engage in, is some of my short film ideas, and I NEED people to help me out. Back in Chicago, I had a lot more friends who were into it. And if you are willing to act a little crazy and put yourself into a somewhat uncomfortable position for a few hours on the weekend, and you like movies, than let's talk! I am trying to recruit people that might be interested in working on some of my ideas, and some of theirs also, cause its a blast! I really wish I could get a fleet of VXes together for a few scenes if you got any movie ideas, lets here em!

    Anyway, I feel the same way about eating and getting fat. You described to the T my day to day life. Wake up, work, come home, stuff face, drink beer, go to sleep. Both the wife and I have a membership at Anytime Fitness. I've probably been there 10 times since we enrolled last December. That is pathetic. I also get HELLA depressed about not doing the things I want to do. And yes, sometimes it is hard to talk to the wife about it, because more often than not, her idea of fun is quite a bit different than mine. I mean, we do share a lot of common interests, but she really has no desire to look for snakes, or go shooting in the desert or make movies.

    Anyway, we WILL get together and hang out soon.


  7. #7
    Member Since
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    Yeah, we're here, "we're listening". I believe that just talking about things makes a difference. So, hope we did our part.

    Added Bonus: I'd agree about talking to the wife (Not that I know you guys, but she should be your "Goto Girl" when things are pulling ya down - We'll be your "Goto Guys"). I only know this cuz My friends tell me how good it is when they finally work things out with their wives and talk about stuff. As for me??? Always been single and actually feeling a number of emotions this past month also. The only woman in my life (in the last 5 or 6 years) that I was thinking could be "The One", is getting married next week to a guy she's only known since like January! I ask her questions and she says "yeah, that bothers me also,..." Yet, she's getting married????????????????????
    Hummm... On the positive side, I trust in the Big Guy Upstairs, and I'm sure he's got great plans for me (This is just a temporary feeling).
    If you don't first THINK THINK, you could end up in deep DO DO!

  8. #8
    Member Since
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    I know it must be blazing in Reno this summer, but sunshine, fresh air and a little sweat always makes me feel better.
    I've had some really bad days myself since being back from Iraq, but like Zues said you just gotta snap out of it.

    I don't know how long you've been feeling lke this, but I think a lot of people go through it and some for long periods of time.
    I think people go through stages where they wonder/worry about their future (getting older/finances/careers), etc. and it's a lot to process.
    That's brave and healthy of you to post these types of feelings up here, but that's what you need to do is let it out somewhere.

    Good luck man,


  9. #9
    Member Since
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    1999, Astral, Vehicross, 1619
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    Hey all,

    Thanks for all the kind thoughts and advice. I don’t know why I get this way but it sucks. I moved here almost 6 years ago to better myself and my “friends” from Tucson really dropped me for the most part, except for one. I have a hard time making friends and have made a few here but nothing real solid.

    I am willing to hang out pretty much whenever Bart , you and I get along well I think. You seem to have a lot of knowledge concerning things that interest me. I always work Sundays unless it’s far enough in advance then I can schedule it off. It depends on what kind of uncomfortable you’re talking about by the way.

    Kinda crazy going to work too because I just got employee of the month and some of the people who have called me friend act like I’m some high and mighty jerk off all of the sudden. So I’ts no fun going to work.

    Rut Rut Rut, stuck in a Rut.

  10. #10
    Member Since
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    There ain't no cure for the summertime blues.....

    The Who

  11. #11
    Member Since
    Dec 2005
    Former Owner of 'ZEUS' aka 1031
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    Clint, Bart, Beau... maybe we should set a date for that Elko camping trip - it would be good to look forward to getting away for a bit! It would also instilll some motivation, stepping out of the ho-hum boring norm. Money is tight for me too, man... but we don't want to turn into Jack from "The Shining" - gots to have some play time!!! With Bart's imagination and a few brews and a couple VX's in the desert, I am sure we could come up with some ridiculous short film of some sort (The Hills Have Eyes 3?)! So what say you guys; should we see how many others we can round up for a gun shooting, sanity saving, beer boozing, moving making, VX good time, camping trip? Or just plan on keeping it small? Ideas, schedules?! New thread? Let's do this!

  12. #12
    Member Since
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    1999, Astral, Vehicross, 1619
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS
    but we don't want to turn into Jack from "The Shining"
    All work and no play makes Clint a dull boy.

    I am up for it, think i would like to do my tranny and CV's first but definately up for the trip.

  13. #13
    Member Since
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    Bart! I'll sell you a Rubber Boa...leave the wild ones alone. You should see my Madagascan gecko collection. Ever see those GIANT Japanese salamanders? Back in Pa., twice, I found Hellbenders, near York, in the Susquehanna...big Sallyies. This was more than a few years ago..

  14. #14
    Member Since
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    Mini "Burning Man,'' anyone?

  15. #15
    Member Since
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    2001 FOXFIRE 0579
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chopper
    Mini "Burning Man,'' anyone?

    ok, i missed that one, unless i SHOULD be thinking of the zuni doll from Trilogy of terror.......... AYE! AYE! AYE!

    YEAH.....HELLBENDERS!!!! very cool

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