View Full Version : funny isuzu truck pic...

10/02/2006, 08:18 AM

10/02/2006, 03:29 PM
Is that pic real. I would love a story w/ this if there is one available. A pic is worth 1000 words though.

10/02/2006, 03:51 PM
Yeah, I don't know where this pic came from and I can't remember even where I found it, but it does look real.

Looks like they were all piled up on the truck and then the truck tipped.


Is that pic real. I would love a story w/ this if there is one available. A pic is worth 1000 words though.

10/02/2006, 05:04 PM
Is that pic real. I would love a story w/ this if there is one available. A pic is worth 1000 words though.

Ok, here ya go...

Once upon a time, in a country where boredom is commonplace, because everything generally considered fun by guys like me is illegal for one reason or another....there lived a group of morons.
One day they happened upon an obliging military dude with a truck, who was also a moron...

You can finish the rest yourself...my "story tellin' finger" is starting to hurt.

10/02/2006, 08:48 PM
:_thinking maybe thay are all just really helpful, again, nothing better to do, and the poor guy needed a push start, and when he went to pop the clutch, hit the brake instead, and plasterd them on the rear window, and the force tipped the truck????? hmmmmm???:rolly2:

10/03/2006, 06:06 AM
If that truck is on it's way over, than a couple of those guys got crushed. That can't be good.

10/03/2006, 03:36 PM
If that truck is on it's way over, than a couple of those guys got crushed. That can't be good.

Ohhhh, I dunno....less morons in the gene pool is never a bad thing IMO.
(RANT ON) :_mecker:
That's the worst side effect of "civilization"...the concequences of your actions are less harsh, allowing more & more ummmm, "genetically challenged" to live long enough to reproduce.
I know my opinion seems rather harsh to most, but look at the bigger picture, where civilization has never existed (nature) those in the herd who lag for whatever reason, become food...allowing the rest of the herd to multiply using the strength of superior genetic material.
It's perfect in it's simplicity.
It is also, again, just my opinion, why humanity in general, is going to hell in a hand basket.
Well, that & fighting over religeous beliefs...but that's a whole nuther can of wermz I won't even EVER start on here.
(RANT OFF) :_confused

10/03/2006, 03:47 PM
Hey man, that's called "natural selection", and I agree completely. The more civilized we become and the more technologically advanced we get, the longer people will live, the better we will reproduce, and it won't make any difference how "genetically challenged" people are...

Overpopulation is a problem. I am personally against human breeding of any kind, but now I'm ranting and this is neither the time nor the place! I can only do my part. Nuff' said!

;) Bart

Ohhhh, I dunno....less morons in the gene pool is never a bad thing IMO.
(RANT ON) :_mecker:
That's the worst side effect of "civilization"...the concequences of your actions are less harsh, allowing more & more ummmm, "genetically challenged" to live long enough to reproduce.
I know my opinion seems rather harsh to most, but look at the bigger picture, where civilization has never existed (nature) those in the herd who lag for whatever reason, become food...allowing the rest of the herd to multiply using the strength of superior genetic material.
It's perfect in it's simplicity.
It is also, again, just my opinion, why humanity in general, is going to hell in a hand basket.
Well, that & fighting over religeous beliefs...but that's a whole nuther can of wermz I won't even EVER start on here.
(RANT OFF) :_confused

10/03/2006, 04:03 PM
I am personally against human breeding of any kind,;) Bart

Oh, Idunno..."placing the order" is all fine, dandy & fun. But dealing with the concequences BEFORE they happen has been my rule since sometime in the 70's. ;)
Also, sorry for the hi-jack on this otherwise light-hearted thread. :(

10/04/2006, 03:12 AM
Part of the problem with the civilization vs natural selection theory is that people like Stephen Hawking would never get a chance to do their bit and advance the state of the species as a whole if it weren't for those exact same "problems" with civilization.

It's those very same buffers for stupidity that allow civilizations to support specialization that enabled the species to move beyond simple hunter/gatherer and agrarian stages. Once people are freed up from having to face the consquence of death for even minor decisions in their lives, they can focus on a lot more interesting things. Sure, most people have no lasting value to the species - probably none of us here would qualify, but a guy like Benjamin Franklin, or Alexander Fleming is easily worth a million or two people who have nothing better to do but contaminate the gene pool.

10/04/2006, 10:43 AM
Good points made on both counts.

I still wonder if a couple of those guys got squished though. Hopefully neither Stephen Hawking nor Ben Franklin were under there... ;)

10/04/2006, 10:24 PM
I think the truck is a flatbed, maybe with one of those wooden fence-like containers on the back. So the only guys in danger were probably the ones right at the outside bottom and they could probably move their limbs enough to avoid getting pinned.

10/05/2006, 03:28 AM
(snip)they could probably move their limbs enough to avoid getting pinned.(snip)

Unless it was Stephen Hawking...

Apperently I've been evolved from watching too much South Park/Family Guy & have reached a plateau where everything is fair game & nothing is sacred. ;)

10/05/2006, 05:23 AM
I think the truck is a flatbed, maybe with one of those wooden fence-like containers on the back. So the only guys in danger were probably the ones right at the outside bottom and they could probably move their limbs enough to avoid getting pinned.

Good call. I didn't notice that, but now I see that it is a flatbed of some sort. I feel better now.

Ldub, you made me laugh... and then made me hate myself for doing so. But still, that was funny.

10/05/2006, 05:52 AM
and they could probably move their limbs enough to avoid getting pinned.

Good thing, too, cause they would need at least one hand free to accept their Darwin awards. ;)

10/05/2006, 09:02 AM
Ldub, you made me laugh... and then made me hate myself for doing so. But still, that was funny.

Naaaaa...you're giving me too much credit.
It was being raised right that made you hate yourself for seeing that as humorus, not me. ;)