View Full Version : Lifetime Oil Filter?

09/19/2006, 11:00 AM

Check that out.
What do you all think about this filter?
Anyone ever used it or know someone who has?

09/19/2006, 11:09 AM
Oooooh, shiny. :p

Cool marketing idea, but I wouldn't trust my lawn mower's engine to it. First off, there's no significant detail of the filter media construction or composition at that site or the manufacturers. Secondly, If you've ever cleaned a resusable air filter like a K&N just imagine how long you'd be without transportation while cleaning a reuseable oil filter and waiting for it to dry. And last, if it was what it claimed you'd see it in use by the aviation, military, agricultural and industrial fields. They all use canister or cartridge filters for one reason: They work.

This little tid-bit from the seller really clinched it though...

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09/19/2006, 01:26 PM
Reminds me of the filters they used to sell for the old air-cooled VW's (that only had an oil screen), which used a roll of toilet paper as the filter element--I sh*t you not :p

09/19/2006, 03:43 PM
That would be the Frantz (http://www.frantzfilters.com.au/) oil filter and they're still made and sold to the tune of almost $200 for a basic kit. And yes, they still use toilet paper as a filter media.



09/20/2006, 04:01 PM
I worked in a paint booth, years ago, that used in line water filters that used toilet paper rolls for the media.