View Full Version : I love this thing!!

09/02/2006, 04:19 PM
Two lane road and I pull up behind a guy doing 40 in a 55. It's a passing zone. I actually flashed my lights and signaled. Just as I get up to his quarter panel, he decides to turn left into a church. NO BRAKE LIGHTS AND NO SIGNAL! This is the first time since owning a VX (almost 3 years now) that I had to make such a sharp turn. I had to turn left, right next to him, and I figure I was going about 40 (breaking from just trying to pass) and I am guessing it was about a 65 degree turn. VX held tight, very little body roll, ABS kicked in just a bit. I felt totally in control.

I rolled down my window and said to the guy, NO BRAKE LIGHT AND NO SIGNAL! Then asked if he was ok, then drove off.

09/02/2006, 06:07 PM
wow,.... well done mate

09/05/2006, 07:21 AM
Happy endings are good.

I won't give any advice since I probably have the worse road rage on the boards. I am "notorious" for using indicator lights EVERYWHERE so when other people don't and it affects me, I have a knack for letting Satan possess me.

10/11/2006, 02:18 PM
i love it too! on the way home from work tonight.. lots of rain.. EMS ambulance was bearin down hard on me, so of course i get out of his way.. right into a puddle and a hydroplane that chilled my blood.... luckily all i had to do was let off the brake and gas and hold the wheel steady.. the VX recovered itself beautifully without incident :)

10/11/2006, 06:38 PM
i have also been quite impressed with how well this 4000 lb 4WD holds its own. and that's after spending the last two years in a 2600 lb porsche and the year before that on a 600 cc ninja. to me, it's a shame that so many like to lift their VX's and give up such a well balanced 'performance' SUV.