View Full Version : AUX/in audio?

07/25/2006, 06:16 AM
So, I recently came across this small piggyback board that allows use of a auxillary in port in my WRX stock radio. $40 later and 1/2 hour install, it works great. Instant iPod support! Love it. It dawned on me afterwards.... wonder if it will work on the stock VX system. Pretty much the same setup, so it might be possible. Granted, what I bought is apparently specific to the Subaru system, but it's still the kind of thing that makes me wonder....


07/25/2006, 09:37 AM
Seach for "iPod" and you'll find a thread with multiple options for incorporating one into the sound system.

07/31/2006, 09:28 AM
Nah, no need. I already have all aftermarket audio in my VX. Was just trying to share a damned sweet audio mod chip that I came across for my other car. Would be sweet if these guys made them for other stock makes and models. It works better than expected in my WRX. And for $40.... WOW!