View Full Version : whos crazy enough to try?

07/12/2006, 09:12 AM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Scissor-Slide-Vertical-Doors-Isuzu-Vehicross_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ36475QQihZ010 QQitemZ200006435100QQrdZ1

if only i didnt have a budget.. im guessing they are universal kits.. but it would be fun to try

07/12/2006, 12:10 PM
Not me either, but the guys at Car & Driver just installed one of these kits on a long-term test car, and had very good luck with it, although they do make the point that opening the door takes two motions instead of one, along with about 3 seconds more time to get in and out of the car.

The one they used was not a universal - it was specific to the model, and they warned about not using universal kits, which of course, aren't.

07/12/2006, 02:40 PM
A friend of mine in my car club installed them on his VR4. He was one of the first but they don't work very well. And they have a tendency to rip the door seals(he's been through a few) and if you don't open them like a normal door then out and up they hit on the fender. I'd be game when someone designs them like the real ones but to open out then up :confused: I don't know that's just not for me :p

07/12/2006, 04:04 PM
Why ruin a unique vehicle by putting honda ricer doors on it?

John C.

07/12/2006, 08:19 PM
even on 'ricers' i still have to respect the hard work and effort that goes into getting a set of lambo doors working right, i think of it more as a sign of enginuity, which i am all about for my VX

07/13/2006, 07:26 AM
I was crazy enough once, just too broke to do anything about it LOL. I posted the potential for this mod back in the days of Club Vmag. Funny thing is now, several years later, I am able to do it, but no longer crazy enough. Still crazy, but not that crazy...:smilewink

07/13/2006, 08:08 AM
My 2 cents: I think those are really cheesy looking. If you wanna do the VX right, you have to do gullwings.

Of course, to REALLY do it RIGHT, you would have to cut the doors in half, attach the cladded part to the body, and install a rollcage with a member in the new high sill for a more rigid frame.

That is, after all, the reason these types of doors were invented. :)
