View Full Version : Hood damage (very minor) - GRRR

06/27/2006, 11:06 PM
Walked out to the parking lot at the office at the end of the day to day, and saw some small brown smudges on the front of the hood (between the leading edge and the insert)

Got my bottle of water and a shop rag out of the back, wiped them off.. yep.. I got hit by a piece of tree branch.

There are about 4 or 5 dings the size of a dime. None as deep as lets say hail damage. You have to look from a steep angle to see them. Two of them have very shallow paint damage, possibly able to be buffed out.

Anyone have suggestions on getting these little dings taken care of? I used Dent Wizards about 10 yrs ago on a substantial ding on my old 92 Grand Prix ...

I am not sure if I should bother talking to insurance with my $100 comprehensive ...

06/28/2006, 03:59 AM
Get a bra ?

06/28/2006, 09:39 AM
Get a bra ?

ROFL ...a MAN bra... nah...

I had one on my Intrepid years ago.. scuffs the paint too much when debris gets under it.....

I had building management check their policy. They are only liable if someone l like a landscaper was working on the tree and the branch fell.

Soooo.. I sent an email to my insurance agent. Hopefully they will pay for something like Dent Wizards; and hopefully the paint scuff will buff out.