View Full Version : Prerunner fenders

06/26/2006, 11:15 AM
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows of any companies that make prerunner fenders for the VX?

06/26/2006, 12:57 PM
I think "sawzall" makes some! :smack:

06/26/2006, 02:28 PM
whats a prerunner fender?

06/26/2006, 07:50 PM
I know sawzall makes one but I need my fenders to sit wider to fit lambo hinges (don't judge me).

A prerunner fender is commonly made out of fiberglass and sits wider and deeper to usually make more room for articulation and a place for your tires to go when you jump. You see them on baja and desert race trucks.

06/27/2006, 09:09 AM
Most fiberglass shops should be able to lay up some for you.

06/28/2006, 07:29 AM
Ya, good luck finding just about ANY aftermarket product for the VX. And if you do.... SHARE!

Especially considering most ISUZU dealers don't even know what a VehiCROSS is. True story when I went to buy my WRX a couple months ago. It was also a Zu dealer and I asked 2 salesmen if they had seen any used VehiCROSSs on the lot lately (must say VehiCROSS, not VX to mortals.... they will look at you as the RCA dog would). Long story short, nothing came of that discussion, even after explaining the VX to them. To them, the VX is a myth.... wish I had driven mine, but then.... how does one drive 2 vehicles home.... hmmmmmmmmm.

But ya, anyways, it's always good to share good aftermarket findings with everyone. Pre-runners would look pretty kicka55 on a VX.

*sorry for the A.D.D. moment there*

06/28/2006, 08:40 AM
The Vcross in the middle of the page is a nice street setup..(with extra pic's)..I'm sure there not mass produce but gives you an idea what can be done..Click Here (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://t-style.japancar.ru/i/gal/vehicross_00/TN_02.JPG&imgrefurl=http://t-style.japancar.ru/index.php%3Fp%3Dg&h=131&w=200&sz=5&hl=en&start=240&tbnid=Ky1W56XEMizpIM:&tbnh=64&tbnw=99&prev=/images%3Fq%3Disuzu%2Bvehicross%26start%3D220%26nds p%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN)

06/28/2006, 10:01 AM
I wonder if that was fabricated from scratch or built up off of existing cladding...

Nice work, even if I consider it a bit OVERdone...

06/28/2006, 10:40 AM
That's that one-off MoonCraft VX that has the funky turbo set-up.


IIRC, they made all new cladding for that out of ABS.

Modding our fenders for scissor-doors could be tricky if you've ever seen them without the cladding on. It's just flat sheet metal under there, so you'd likely need to fab something completely different using the stock fender cladding as a start.

06/28/2006, 12:10 PM
There are 4 "mooncraft" VX's in existance. The body kit was available to buy but was rediculously high priced. The rear end of the kit was pretty fugly! The turbo sat extremely low and would have been taken out on the first speed bump. If you can get onto the old VMAG VX site there was some stuff about it on there you could search for. I tried getting on the site but was unsucsessful. Don't know if it is still up or not.

06/28/2006, 02:23 PM
*OT comment on*

Nope Looks like Club Vmag died the slow painful death I thought it would... They say "reorganizing"... I'm glad we didn't stay there.

*OT comment off*

06/28/2006, 02:47 PM
That you guys for all of your advice and ideas and when the truck is done you'll see it in pertersen's(god I hope for a cover) and you'll see it here first.

06/28/2006, 10:26 PM
I too would like a set of desert cladding. I am pretty sure I could come up with the design (1" diameter increase, 1-3" of flare) but alas, I dont know how to lay fiberglass.

Let me know if you find someone to fab some.

06/29/2006, 05:56 AM
Laying glass aint too hard. You can find plenty of information on the web about it. Most of the work is in the after-layup, pre-painting phase where you sand sand sand and prime prime prime and sand prime sand prime sand prime, paint sand paint sand... you get the idea.

06/29/2006, 07:17 AM
Once the dust settles around here we'll be fabbing a one-peice FRP tilt nose for the Ebony which is headed for glory as a rally truck. The mold will be pulled from the IronMan since the Ebony is a little crunchy in the front, but the process will be documented and added to my VX site.

Should be interesting! ;)

06/29/2006, 07:20 AM
Yea I will more than likely have something made for it. I'll put the final design on here for any of you that want to do them.

06/29/2006, 07:41 AM
Someone, please, just mold and produce "1 piece" hoods, heh. The inserts are my biggets gripe on these things, hahaha. One piece hood with scoop induction (WRX) or extraction (EVO) .... mmmm.

06/29/2006, 08:32 AM
Yeah, I'm definitely down for a one piece fiberglass hood. I don't care whether it's carbon fiber or whatever. I just want a scoop and a finish to match the rest of the VX. Plus, my clearcoat is peeling really bad on my original hood, so it's either replace the hood or spend a bunch of money having it repainted.

Joe, what's an FRP tilt-nose???

06/29/2006, 09:05 AM
Once I move into my house and have a garage, I might be up for making the one piece hood.

They'd be shipped unpainted though because I'm not going to deal with setting up a sprayer in my brand new house.

Good news is that once you have the molds made, you can use either fiberglass or carbon layup since it can be done the same way. I'll have a vacuum bag/infusion setup as well so I can make the carbon hoods a lot lighter. Sorry can't do pre-preg.