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View Full Version : First real off-roading with VX, had a blast!

04/21/2003, 08:51 AM
Went NW of Denver a few hours to a favorite camping spot over the weekend (whew did we pick a cold weekend to camp!) and the VX came through like a champ. There were plenty of muddy and snowy spots and big open areas to have some fun in, and I did my best to hide as much yellow as possible :) I'll post pics soon. What a capable truck!

04/21/2003, 08:59 AM
Ain't Colorado Beautiful this time of year??

The VX is the perfect vehicle for this state!

Glad you have fun.. Hope to see you soon.

Keep thinking of MOAB!

04/21/2003, 11:01 AM
Speaking of Colorado, when are we planning to do another meet? Scott? Vance?

Sometime betwen Moab and CO ZU?

Hopefully we can get a bigger outcome this time around.
Let's start thinking!

04/21/2003, 11:08 AM
I'm already planning my new Load Warrior setup so I can make it to CO ZU - it was REALLY REALLY REALLY tight this weekend.

I'd be up for a CO Meet.

04/21/2003, 12:12 PM
Do you want a Strictly VX meet, or an Isuzu meet?

Let me know, I can assist with a centralized meeting, and also get the Trailseekers group involved, since yall want to wheel more often, it would be a good chance to get both groups together.

Take care,

04/21/2003, 12:39 PM
Very good idea Keith!! We'll get together and get something going. You have way MORE experience in theses matters than I.:D

04/21/2003, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Locomigo
Do you want a Strictly VX meet, or an Isuzu meet?

Let me know, I can assist with a centralized meeting, and also get the Trailseekers group involved, since yall want to wheel more often, it would be a good chance to get both groups together.

Take care,

Anything would be cool! I must say that i haven't kept up with the trailseeker site during the winter. I would have loved to go see the Ice Racing!!! So many thing to do, so little time! If you guys are planning anything make sure to post it here too! The snow will be melting soon and trails will be opening up! Woo Hoo! :D

04/21/2003, 11:22 PM
Well... I am working on getting my TeraLows installed towards the end of this week, beginning of next. I will want to test them prior to Moab. Hmmm... perhaps a close trip is in order for next weekend, May 3/4? That may be possible. Other than that, it's full steam ahead for Moab 'Zu Zoo. then it is Memorial Day weekend the very next weekend after 'Zu Zoo.

That is a possibility as well, either wheelin or a get together. Other than that, we are lookin at the first weekend in June. :eek:

Amazing that May is GONE! No open weekends at all, I suspect camping and getting away over Memorial day, always cool with a crew of 'Zus... :D

Thoughts, Ideas, Suggestions?

04/22/2003, 10:50 AM
School for me doesn't get out untill May 15. I won't be able to do anything till after that. I wish 4wheeling was part of my curriculum. I would study that everyday! :D

First weekend in june might work. I might end up going jetskiing that weekend though. Decisions, decisions, AHHHHHHHH!

How often do you guys go wheeling during the summer? I will check the trailseeker sight for local events.

04/22/2003, 11:59 AM
I can honestly say that someone is doing something every weekend within the group. Always someone wheelin.

And sorry man, I hafta call BS on no time until after school is out. :D I dont know of any school that goes 7 days a week. :p There are always weekend trips to go out and hang, lil day trips and they work out well.

04/22/2003, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Locomigo
And sorry man, I hafta call BS on no time until after school is out. :D I dont know of any school that goes 7 days a week. :p There are always weekend trips to go out and hang, lil day trips and they work out well.

How about i have 4 weeks left of school that i am going full time. 4 different 4000 level subjects in my last semester. I graduate in May! I have 3 more reports that are due the week before finals then i have to study for those finals as well. I have a stock portfolio that i have to manage and do an analysis on and have it ready to present on May 5! On top of that i also work 35 hours a week. All my free time is tied up in getting these things done!!!! :waab: I am also not very smart, so it takes me forever to get things to soak in.


So when you guys doing something after MOAB? :D

04/22/2003, 08:55 PM
Nice... that's pretty entertaining.. sincerely good luck on it all man.

Check the list, and I will report here when I know something...

04/22/2003, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Locomigo
Nice... that's pretty entertaining.. sincerely good luck on it all man.

Check the list, and I will report here when I know something...

Thanks. I will need it.
And you know what....
A day trip on May 3 does sound very tempting!!! How close a trail are we talking? That little man with horns sitting on my shoulder says i should go and have a little fun. HMMMMM.
Damn peer presure, i give in too easy.
Randy are you up for something that Saturday?

04/23/2003, 08:29 AM
Might be- Where?

04/23/2003, 09:29 AM
Not sure.. would like a relative close trail just to get the bugs out... Slaughterhouse Gulch comes to mind. Could be entertaining.

04/23/2003, 09:40 AM
Slaughterhouse Gulch? Sounds like more of a horror movie than a trail. Should we be scared?
Where is it and how far?

04/23/2003, 10:46 AM
~ 25 miles from C-470/US-285


04/23/2003, 10:57 AM
I'm having trouble visualizing where this is.

04/23/2003, 11:58 AM
Conifer area.

04/24/2003, 12:08 PM
Hey Keith!
I was just wondering. Your rig is pretty built. How hard is the trail you where thinking of? Could little old stock me do ok or should i plan to ride shotgun? :D I'm a good spotter. I take the trail rating of 5 is about average? If that's accurate then i am up for the challange! That's a really cool site too!

Also, time and place to meet?
Anyone else up for it?

04/24/2003, 12:44 PM
5 is relatively mild.... not toobad, I will see ifn I cant paraphrase and sumize what Charles Wells says in his book when I get home later.

you should do just fine, perfectly acceptable for a stocker and enough to play on for me.. more of a shakedown test run for the new teralows... scheduled for mid week next week.

Probably at the fort. Morrison exit from 285, first one southwest of C-470... probably around 9-10AM ish...

We will determine that shortly. let's get past THIS weekend first.

04/24/2003, 06:42 PM
Sounds good. I will wait to hear from you on the details.

What's THIS weekend?
In-laws in town or something? :D

04/24/2003, 07:57 PM
Sons friends, Elitches and MODDIN!

04/29/2003, 08:28 AM
Okay, very preliminary... but here goes.

Slaughterhouse Gulch

Meet 9AM at the Fort on Saturday 5/3

Short trail, shouldn't be an all day affair, but make sure you bring water, and some food.


04/29/2003, 03:15 PM
I am there!
Is anyone from Trailseekers going?

04/29/2003, 08:49 PM
possibly.. but things come together last minute for the norm... typically, whomever shows up, we ride with. :D

05/03/2003, 10:56 PM
So Randy and Rob who didn't come today missed out on some good fun! I just wanted to say thank you to Keith who quickly threw together this day trip. Just wished the trail could have lasted all day! Had a blast and we must do this again soon!


05/04/2003, 07:05 AM
No worries... where's the pics?!!??!!!!! :D

What Alan DIDN'T tell you... Is that he had to pull the mighty Locomigo up the ice ledge at the stream crossing... :eek: I caught hell for that one I tell ya. ;) Thanks Alan. Totally my fault though, stopped halfway through it instead of just waiting...

And THEN, the excitement... found a tank trap, dropped in, water halfway up the hood before leveling out to ~ mid door level, steep descent. Well I toasted the alternator, and it was a hurried trip off the trail and back to Denver with a stop every 5 miles or so to recharge the battery for 3-5 minutes...

Well after about 2 hours to remove, and reinstall with an hour break in between, it was fixed... and a $60 bill for the part, and an AWESOME lady to haul some major booty to go get it, and bring it down to us...

BTW, www.centralforeign.com is where I got it from.

The TeraLows ROCK, and whine like a bad dog... :D

All in all, it was a good day. Even though I was late!

05/04/2003, 10:48 AM
Hey Tonka, try getting the Anthrax shots. Then we will see just how much your brain can't absorb. I have had 6 Anthrax shots and along with a lot of other people it effected our short term memory and has other side effects the military denies and will not admit to. But, they come out and say the shot they gave us was unfit for human consumption, sorry. What a bunch of dinks.
Anyways, good luck in school