View Full Version : CO people... July 4th plans?

06/24/2006, 07:23 AM
I was thinking about going up and doing some camping over July 4th
weekend, since it's a 4 dayer for us.

I thought it would be cool to have a small-moderate group go with us.

Here are some thoughts:

Go up where there is some moderate runs available for us to play on
and do some exploring.
Things like:

*Ghost Towns
*Mining Towns
*Geo Caching
*Some other suggestion?

Trying to determine where to go yet, and would like to find something
that is:
*Not routine, something different
*Someplace that will be open, The Montezuma area may be open by then,
but crowded?
*Less chance of it being packed
*Ideally close proximity to interesting sites, stream, shade trees
*Be great if it was under 3 hours drive time to the spot, but more is
*Any other suggestions?

Thoughts tend to lean towards a Friday late afternoon departure with
enough time to arrive, setup, and relax (with or without a fire
depending upon restrictions)
Probably look to head back on Monday to enjoy Tuesday festivities in

Im fairly open to some thoughts here, I just thought I would kick it
around some friends and see what thoughts everyone had about getting
out away from everything and taking a couple/three days to just
totally relax and forget about all the stress of everyday life!

So whaddaya say everyone? Is this an entertaining option to you?
Have any suggestions of places to go or activities to do?

Lets discuss it and see where it goes from here

06/24/2006, 07:53 AM
I only wish I had more time/money & lived closer...I'd be there for sure.
Especially if it involved ghost towns etc.
Any time you're adventuring in a ghost town, the chances of the adventure turning into something resembling an episode of "Scooby Doo" increase exponentially :yes:
All kidding aside, hope you have fun, maybe next year I'll be rich & retired...but probably not. :(

06/24/2006, 12:10 PM
I was going to wake up, scratch, and find a substantial hike/climb. If the VX can do all the work, I won't have to burn the calories.

I can't camp with y'all, but I would like to attend a day of VXing and exploring.


06/24/2006, 12:12 PM

I already have plans for the 4th, however, I might be interested in meeting up with you for some off roading. Who knows, I *might* be able to stay a night, but it depends on the details...

Post more detailed info when you can, mang!


06/25/2006, 09:00 AM
Thats pretty funny...

Actually, I have nothing set in stone and for the most part, people have been fairly non-committal, so it makes it difficult for me to solidify an itenerary so we will most likely wing it.

My suspect that we will be up around Montezuma as I know of a few samp sites around there that would fit the bill. Provided that they are not already occupied and accesible. From what the ranger I spoke with last week said, there was a lot of snowpack over the winter and it still remains (not melting too quick either).

We'll see whats happening, but like I said if you have an opinion, let me know and we can hook it up.

06/29/2006, 02:34 PM
So it seems that camping just isnt going to happen, so:

Sat has two options...
a) explore the Montezuma valley (near Keystone/Breckenridge) and see what is/isnt closed and venture up, near, around some of the mining up there.

b) go back down exploring for and hopefully finding the mouth of the ice caves down south near the Deckers/monument/ castle rock triangle.

Sun we wil be doing Wheeler Lake trail meeting 11A at the trail head.

www.4x4trails.net for more info.

Still open for Mon/Tue
Welcome any and all suggestions.

06/30/2006, 08:37 AM

I'm out. Sorry dooood. Family just dropped in for the weekend unexpectedly, and they wanna go rafting...

Let the hosting being!
