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05/18/2006, 09:44 PM
It was only a matter of time. Yes, Cockfighting Roombas. (http://www.geekentertainment.tv/2006/05/17/nerd-salon-and-roomba-cockfights/) Check it out, Violet Blue even does the article.

(If you have no idea what any of this is you need to get out on the net more.)


05/19/2006, 08:30 AM
aaargghhh Quicktime...!

I'll wait until I get home to see it.

I actually watched a Roomba take out a grown man at Terminal C3 of the Newark Liberty Airport.
The "Sharper Image-esque" Store was letting one roam around the concourse -this guy walks by, all into his cell phone, and steps right on the Roomba. It was awesome.