View Full Version : VX the Intimidator!

04/04/2006, 06:30 PM
I took some samples to a client's office yesterday morning and one of the gentlemen I needed to speak with was just coming into the office as I was driving out of the parking lot. I stopped the VX, rolled down the window, called his name and was met by a total deer in the headlights look. I couldn't quite figure it out because this guy knew me, so I tried again. This time he started backing up! I pulled into a space not far from him and took off my sunglasses. When he finally realized who I was, he came over to the Ironman and exclaimed, "I didn't know what that was coming at me! I have never seen anything like that before and didn't know what to think!" :evil2:

I had to share - sometimes I forget that the VX is still relatively unknown to the general public!

04/05/2006, 07:16 AM
You're right about the VX being relatively unknown to many people. I stopped at the post office two days ago in my Ironman, and when I was pulling out, some guy was standing in the middle of the parking lot, just watching me pull out and drive away. I saw him, so I kinda waved and smiled, and he just kept watching the VX. I finally pulled way, and he just kept watching. Either Donald Trump was standing on my roof, or he liked the VX.

Right after I bought my VX (about two months ago, so in 2006 mind you), I went by a Jiffy Lube to see about getting the oil changed and they told me the car was "too new" and they didn't have the oil filter for it. I told them it was a 2000, and they said they had never seen one.... At a Jiffy Lube!! Needless to say I went to my local Isuzu Dealer and they were much more aware. And I'm happy to say that they are very nice and helpful at the one here in Greenville, SC.

04/06/2006, 06:24 AM
Happens a lot, I guess -

My wife and I swapped cars a couple of weeks ago so I could take her A3 in for its first service, so she took the VX to work. She said she was freaked out by the fact that she was stared at or otherwise examined on the road THREE TIMES in ONE DAY! Now, although my wife probably gets stared at and examined by strangers on a regular basis, my tints are so dark that I can safely assume it was the VX that was being checked out! :-)