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View Full Version : First impression off-road...

04/12/2003, 08:09 PM
Just wanted to report back about my maiden off-road voyage. I was happy with what I experienced... even though I didn't get into anything real bad. it was good up and down the steep grades, in the slop, and was very maneuverable (sp?). And a funny sidenote... my friend who has the Jeep Cherokee showed up and I popped the hood... he of course started making comments about how foreign the motor looked... of course because it is... and then commented on how small my radiator was... well, it was ironic that later on that day, HE was the one overheating! ;Db; Go figure. I told him that it was because american iron blocks run hotter... and that RICE fuel burns cooler. He appreciated that quite a bit. ;) So, anyway, I'm looking forward to finding some challenges to test things... to back my purchase decision up that much more. All in all... not a bad first time out.


Coach... aka Randy!

04/13/2003, 08:24 AM
Go offroading with a bunch of Vehicrosses in May. Come to Moab with us, you wont regrete it. Most likely you'll plan your vacation time around it for years to come. Missouri isn't that far.

Just a thought,


04/13/2003, 07:27 PM

Thanks for the invite... I'd love to come out to Moab this May, but I am already scheduled to go out of town on an install that week. Then I am leaving for Florida on the 27th to take my son down to his moms for a little 4-6 week vacation... him, not me... I'll have to get back home and back to work. Definitely will be there for the trip next year. Aww well... thanks again!

Coach... aka Randy!